Seedphrases with web3auth supported?

Hey I saw web3auth website that there is a web3 (seed phrase/connect wallet) option to connect users as well.

How is this done? Is there a web3auth integration part or is it purely using ethers.js to connect to an existing seed phrase (ie doesn't need web3auth).

Cant find any example of this in the docs. Can someone explain to me technically how to set this up step by step?


Moreover, I am currently using custom auth, but want to allow users the option to connect to their own wallet as well.

I noticed that normal web3auth login flow (which includes own wallet connect) uses @web3auth/web3auth package while web3auth custom auth uses @web3auth/core + @web3auth/openlogin-adapter.

Does this mean that I would need to maintain TWO separate login flows if I want both custom auth and own wallet connect? Is there a way for custom auth's packages to support own wallet connect as well?

For example do I need to do this (say I am using react's context for each login flow)?:

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/web3auth";
const web3auth = new Web3Auth({...});
const web3authProvider = await web3auth.connect();


import { Web3AuthCore } from "@web3auth/core";
const web3auth = new Web3AuthCore({...});
const web3authProvider = await web3auth.connectTo();

Originally posted by: YZhenY

Check the discussion at:

"How is this done? Is there a web3auth integration part or is it purely using ethers.js to connect to an existing seed phrase (ie doesn't need web3auth)."

We have a seedphrase provider that you, but its not the most used at the moment @himanshuchawla009 can you share more. Using simply ethers.js as you suggest would just work as well

"Does this mean that I would need to maintain TWO separate login flows if I want both custom auth and own wallet connect? Is there a way for custom auth's packages to support own wallet connect as well?"


The wallet-connect provider is bundled in the @web3auth/ethereum-provider package

Originally posted by: YZhenY