Send lifecyle events to an external url


I have an app that use web3auth as the authentication layer. In my app, I am sending users informations to a CRM tool to segment users and trigger actions on audiences. I would like to combine the data from web3auth with my existing data. I see in your documentation that you have a way to subscribe to lifecycle events and act upon these events. Is there a way to send these events to an external url or to subscribe to a webhook? If not, is it something in your roadmap? The only workaround I found was to subscribe to your lifecycle hook and forward the event to my CRM but I find this far from ideal.


@lucas Thanks for your question.

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Hey @lucas ,

The web3auth sdk has been written for usage with web3 dapps. Also, the lifecycle methods only notify the user of changes in modal or adapter status etc. I’m not really sure how such data would be useful in your CRM.

Typical flow in web3 applications is that you use these events and take the necessary action in frontend and call your apis accordingly.