'Session likely expired' Response when I am using a newly-created Client ID

Hi, I am trying to test out Web3Auth on Localhost and on Polygon Mumbai Testnet. However, I am unable to get past the await web3auth.initModal(); stage.

I tried the docs itself before eventually settling on getting the code wholesale from: https://web3auth.io/docs/integration-builder?lang=next&chain=matic&customAuthentication=no&whitelabel=no&evmFramework=ethers&customLogin=no&stepIndex=0

The only parts I changed were at:
const clientId = "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID"; (where I replaced it with a clientId which was newly created for an EVM-compatible chain)
setProvider(web3auth.provider); }; (where I removed the un-necessary };.

However, I keep getting a 404 error during the GET request to https://broadcast-server.tor.us/store/get?key=<STRING_OF_NUMBERS>. The response object is {"success":false,"message":"Invalid public key"}

I tried replacing client ID with my client secret as well, but it still fails.
I have also tried creating a new project on Web3Auth developer dashboard.

Does anyone know where the issue could be?

Originally posted by: damienfirerock

Check the discussion at: https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/1004