Hi, i would like to know if it is possible to use SFA Login and still give the option to the user to login using metamask wallet as in the PnP Demo.
Thank You
Hi, i would like to know if it is possible to use SFA Login and still give the option to the user to login using metamask wallet as in the PnP Demo.
Thank You
i havent yet developed anything in particular, i am playing with the github repo examples and i couldnt find an example of a sfa login where the user can login with a pre existing wallet as in the PnP product.
Hey @lorenzo.invernizzi what I’d recommend you in this case is to use our pnp no modal sdk with default external adapter only (https://web3auth.io/docs/sdk/pnp/web/adapters/default-evm-adapter), making it call all the external wallets like metamask on user click. You can utilise SFA SDK for social logins separately.
The feature you are requesting is set to launch with Web3Auth v10, scheduled to release next month, when our SFA and PnP SDKs will be unified in a single SDK.
@yashovardhan got it thanks for the rapid response. Do you have a newsletter or similar channel to get notified when new releases/features are launched?
I get the feeling the v10 will be a huge release
Thank You,
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