Share found in unexpected polynomial

we have used tkey sdk for storing user keys and added 1 extra module to store recoverable 1 share on server instead of the question module.

But we get this error after some frequent logins and log outs:-

1304: “Share found in unexpected polynomial”,
can you suggest some issues due to which it can occur?

  • SDK Version: Latest sdk
  • Verifier Details: Google Verifier
    • Verifier Name: singularity-auth0
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT)

@paras Welcome Aboard!

Thanks for your patience.

Your issue has been forwarded to your Dev team and we will get back to you with further updates.

any updates on the same?

Hey Paras,

Can you give us some additional details on how you saved the share, which module did you use and how.
Code snippets alongside will be really helpful alongside the particular error message.

@paras Did you get to see our previous message? Please reply with the requested information.

So basically we saved 3 shares 1 on device . 2nd on torus network. 3rd on our own server for that created a module named server storage. Got this error while calling the reconstruct key in core.ts in core module of @tkey. Attached screenshot for the line code where the error is mentioned.