[Solved] Aggregate verifier question

Solved by providing correct verifier name and sub verifier name. It could be better providing more detailed explanation from the error message at step 6. I assume that it follows aggregate-sapphire and found a mismatch with my clientId.

When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:

  • SDK Version(package.json):
 "@web3auth/base": "^8.0.0",
    "@web3auth/ethereum-provider": "^8.0.1",
    "@web3auth/metamask-adapter": "^8.0.1",
    "@web3auth/modal": "^8.0.1",
    "@web3auth/wallet-connect-v2-adapter": "^8.0.1",
    "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin": "^8.0.1",
  • Platform: Web (NextJs)

  • Verifier Identifier: p-test-google (type: aggregate)

  • Browser Console Screenshots:
    No console error.

I am trying to use aggregate verifier feature in order to create always the same Ethereum wallet address no matter what user’s login method (ex: Gmail, Github, Linked => Same wallet address).

I followed web3auth page carefully ( Creating Aggregate Verifier on the Web3Auth Dashboard | Documentation | Web3Auth ) but still no luck.

My intention is to set Google, Github and Email-passwordless. And I started to set up Google first.
Here are my steps:

  1. I created “OAuth 2.0 Client” on Google cloud platform and put on my nextJs code like:
const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
loginConfig: {
              // Google login
              google: {
                verifier: "aggregate-sapphire", // Pass the Verifier name here. eg. w3a-agg-example
                verifierSubIdentifier: "w3a-google", // Pass the Sub-Verifier here. eg w3a-google
                typeOfLogin: "google", // Pass the type of login provider.
                clientId: "514908495189-pe84uv9all02b0rp8hvub2o0vss9abkn.apps.googleusercontent.com", // Pass the Google `Client ID` here.              
  1. On frontend, I start authentication by using web3Auth and choose Google

  2. Got an error

  3. I realised that it tries to redirect to https://auth.web3auth.io/auth so, I put this string into my Google OAuth

  4. Do the same thing as step 2.

  5. No more redirect_uri issue but athere is another error. It says Mount Error.

// Console log:
Error: Could not get result from torus nodes 
 Error occurred while verifying params azip is not clientID 514908495189-pe84uv9all02b0rp8hvub2o0vss9abkn.apps.googleusercontent.com 774338308167-q463s7kpvja16l4l0kko3nb925ikds2p.apps.googleusercontent.com
    at ct (index-CJC0KwV3.js:1:3607)
  1. The clientID start with 514... is mine but I have no idea where the 774... comes from.
  2. At the step 1, I change the value of clientId as the one start with 774..., then the authentication works.
  3. But I don’t think it’s not my Google client ID and using someone’s (I assume it’s web3Auth’s clientId?).
  4. At this moment, I am stuck and not sure where to check. Let me know if I missed providing any important data.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @hadeath03,

I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if you’ve had a chance to check out this guide: https://web3auth.io/docs/guides/google? It could provide you with the information and steps you’re looking for.

If you have any questions after going through it, or if there’s anything specific you’re struggling with, please feel free to reach out. I’m here to help in any way I can.

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