Something went wrong, unable to connect to web3auth

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

I’m having issue connecting to Web3Auth from all my environments, either the modal doesn’t load the inputs at all or it says something went wrong. can you please tell me the issue:

In local and dev environment, modal shows, but when try to connect to web3auth the popup does not connect

In production, environment the modal doesn’t show up at all

  • SDK Version: ^5.2.0
  • Verifier Details:
    • Verifier Name: KeySpace-App
    • JWKS Endpoint: not sure
    • Sample idToken(JWT): not sure

Hey there, welcome aboard! The error screen states that you have put a client id that’s for a project on testnet while you are setting the web3AuthNetwork parameter as mainnet. Please set it as testnet and let me know if this issue persists.

Hey, let’s avoid posting the same question on multiple threads in the community. We want to create a helpful and supportive space for everyone to seek assistance.

I have replied here too.

Thanks and Welcome to Web3Auth Community

Yes I done that but now I have a world of new issues like this:

Noted but this did not solve the core issue unfortunately

Please share the initialization and login code snippet. Looks like a misconfig.

here you are

this is for version:
@web3auth/base”: “^5.2.0”,
@web3auth/metamask-adapter”: “^5.2.0”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^5.2.0”,
@web3auth/web3auth”: “^1.1.4”,

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
// import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/web3auth";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WALLET_ADAPTERS } from "@web3auth/base";
import { OpenloginAdapter } from "@web3auth/openlogin-adapter";
import { MetamaskAdapter } from "@web3auth/metamask-adapter";
import Web3 from "web3";
import logo from "./favicon-32x32.png";

const clientId = process.env.REACT_APP_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID;

export const modalConfigLogins = {
  label: "openlogin",
  loginMethods: {
    sms_passwordless: { showOnModal: true },
    google: {
      showOnModal: false,
      name: "Google Login", // The desired name you want to show on the login button
      //verifier: "YOUR_GOOGLE_VERIFIER_NAME", // Please create a verifier on the developer dashboard and pass the name here
      typeOfLogin: "google", // Pass on the login provider of the verifier you've created
      //clientId: "", // use your app client id you got from google
    facebook: {
      name: "Facebook Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    twitter: {
      name: "Twitter Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    reddit: {
      name: "Reddit Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    discord: {
      name: "Discord Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    twitch: {
      name: "Twitch Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    apple: {
      name: "Apple Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    line: {
      showOnModal: false,
    github: {
      name: "Github Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    kakao: {
      showOnModal: false,
    linkedin: {
      name: "LinkedIn Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    weibo: {
      showOnModal: false,
    wechat: {
      showOnModal: false,

export const fetchChainId = (chain) => {
  if (chain === "Ethereum") {
    return "0x5";
  } else if (chain === "Polygon") {
    return "0x13881";

export const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: process.env.REACT_APP_ETH_CHAIN_ID, //currently on Goerli test net "0x1": ETHEREUM
    rpcTarget: process.env.REACT_APP_ALCHEMY_URL_ETH,
  authMode: "DAPP",
  uiConfig: {
    theme: "light",
    appLogo: logo,

export const web3authPolygon = new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: process.env.REACT_APP_POLYGON_CHAIN_ID,
    rpcTarget: process.env.REACT_APP_ALCHEMY_URL_POLYGON,
  authMode: "DAPP",
  uiConfig: {
    theme: "light",
    appLogo: logo,

export const metamaskAdapter = new MetamaskAdapter({
  sessionTime: 3600, // 1 hour in seconds
  web3AuthNetwork: "cyan",

export const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
  adapterSettings: {
    network: "mainnet",
    uxMode: "popup",
    whiteLabel: {
      name: "Keyspace Studio",
      logoLight: "logo",
      logoDark: "logo",
      defaultLanguage: "en",
      dark: false, // whether to enable dark mode. defaultValue: false

//Web3Auth old modal
export async function connectWallet(chain) {
  console.log("connecting to web3 t3")
  console.log("chain", chain)
  if (chain === "Ethereum") {
    console.log("web3auth initialized?", web3auth)
    if (!web3auth) {
      console.log("Web3Auth not initialized yet");

    const walletProvider = await web3auth.connect();
    console.log("web3auth walletProvider", walletProvider)

    const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);
    console.log("web3auth caller", caller)

    const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();
    console.log("web3auth accounts", accounts)

    const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();
    console.log("web3auth user", user)

    let email = null;

    if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== "") {
      email =;

    return [accounts[0], caller, email];
  } else if (chain === "Polygon") {
    console.log("web3authPolygon initialized?", web3authPolygon)
    if (!web3authPolygon) {
      console.log("Web3Auth not initialized yet");
    const walletProvider = await web3authPolygon.connect();

    const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);
    const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();

    const user = await web3authPolygon.getUserInfo();

    let email = null;

    if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== "") {
      email =;

    return [accounts[0], caller, email];

//Web3Auth integration
export async function connectWallet1(chain) {
  try {
    if (chain === "Ethereum") {
      if (!web3auth) {

      const walletProvider = await web3auth.connect();

      const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);

      const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();

      const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();

      let email = null;

      if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== ""
      ) {
        email =;

      return [accounts[0], caller, email];
    } else if (chain === "Polygon") {
      if (!web3authPolygon) {
      console.log("web3authPolygon", web3authPolygon)
      const walletProvider = await web3authPolygon.connect();
      console.log("walletProvider", walletProvider)

      const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);
      const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();

      const user = await web3authPolygon.getUserInfo();

      let email = null;

      if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== ""
      ) {
        email =;

      return [accounts[0], caller, email];
  } catch (e) {


Please upgrade these to the latest versions.

Also, @web3auth/web3auth is deprecated, and @web3auth/modal is being used now, which I also see on your package.json file. Please remove @web3auth/web3auth and update all to the latest.

Okay and what about the 413 error?

that’s using the 7.0.4 modal and it’s still breaking. I even upgraded to growth package and still breaks.

Secondly @shahbaz , how would my code change if I upgrade to the latest package? will I expect more breakages?

This might be because of this, upgrading to the latest package will solve these issue.

What modifications would I need to make for my react code?

Please follow the following migration guides:

1 Like

I am still receiving the same 413 error:

my new packages:

@walletconnect/client”: “^1.8.0”,
@web3auth/base”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/ethereum-provider”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/metamask-adapter”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.0.4”,
@web3auth/single-factor-auth”: “^7.0.1”,
“amazon-cognito-identity-js”: “^5.2.8”,

my react code now:

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
// import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/web3auth";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WALLET_ADAPTERS } from "@web3auth/base";
import { OpenloginAdapter } from "@web3auth/openlogin-adapter";
import { MetamaskAdapter } from "@web3auth/metamask-adapter";
import Web3 from "web3";
import logo from "./favicon-32x32.png";

const clientId = process.env.REACT_APP_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID;

export const modalConfigLogins = {
  label: "openlogin",
  loginMethods: {
    sms_passwordless: { showOnModal: true },
    google: {
      showOnModal: false,
      name: "Google Login", // The desired name you want to show on the login button
      //verifier: "YOUR_GOOGLE_VERIFIER_NAME", // Please create a verifier on the developer dashboard and pass the name here
      typeOfLogin: "google", // Pass on the login provider of the verifier you've created
      //clientId: "", // use your app client id you got from google
    facebook: {
      name: "Facebook Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    twitter: {
      name: "Twitter Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    reddit: {
      name: "Reddit Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    discord: {
      name: "Discord Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    twitch: {
      name: "Twitch Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    apple: {
      name: "Apple Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    line: {
      showOnModal: false,
    github: {
      name: "Github Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    kakao: {
      showOnModal: false,
    linkedin: {
      name: "LinkedIn Login",
      showOnModal: false,
    weibo: {
      showOnModal: false,
    wechat: {
      showOnModal: false,

export const fetchChainId = (chain) => {
  if (chain === "Ethereum") {
    return "0x5";
  } else if (chain === "Polygon") {
    return "0x13881";

export const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: process.env.REACT_APP_ETH_CHAIN_ID, //currently on Goerli test net "0x1": ETHEREUM
    rpcTarget: process.env.REACT_APP_ALCHEMY_URL_ETH,
  authMode: "DAPP",
  uiConfig: {
    theme: "light",
    appLogo: logo,

export const web3authPolygon = new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
    chainId: process.env.REACT_APP_POLYGON_CHAIN_ID,
    rpcTarget: process.env.REACT_APP_ALCHEMY_URL_POLYGON,
  authMode: "DAPP",
  uiConfig: {
    theme: "light",
    appLogo: logo,

export const metamaskAdapter = new MetamaskAdapter({
  sessionTime: 3600, // 1 hour in seconds
  web3AuthNetwork: "cyan",

export const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
  adapterSettings: {
    network: "mainnet",
    uxMode: "popup",
    whiteLabel: {
      name: "Keyspace Studio",
      logoLight: "logo",
      logoDark: "logo",
      defaultLanguage: "en",
      dark: false, // whether to enable dark mode. defaultValue: false

//Web3Auth old modal
export async function connectWallet(chain) {
  console.log("connecting to web3 t3")
  console.log("chain", chain)
  if (chain === "Ethereum") {
    console.log("web3auth initialized?", web3auth)
    if (!web3auth) {
      console.log("Web3Auth not initialized yet");

    const walletProvider = await web3auth.connect();
    console.log("web3auth walletProvider", walletProvider)

    const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);
    console.log("web3auth caller", caller)

    const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();
    console.log("web3auth accounts", accounts)

    const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();
    console.log("web3auth user", user)

    let email = null;

    if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== "") {
      email =;

    return [accounts[0], caller, email];
  } else if (chain === "Polygon") {
    console.log("web3authPolygon initialized?", web3authPolygon)
    if (!web3authPolygon) {
      console.log("Web3Auth not initialized yet");
    const walletProvider = await web3authPolygon.connect();

    const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);
    const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();

    const user = await web3authPolygon.getUserInfo();

    let email = null;

    if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== "") {
      email =;

    return [accounts[0], caller, email];

//Web3Auth integration
export async function connectWallet1(chain) {
  try {
    if (chain === "Ethereum") {
      if (!web3auth) {

      const walletProvider = await web3auth.connect();

      const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);

      const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();

      const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();

      let email = null;

      if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== ""
      ) {
        email =;

      return [accounts[0], caller, email];
    } else if (chain === "Polygon") {
      if (!web3authPolygon) {
      console.log("web3authPolygon", web3authPolygon)
      const walletProvider = await web3authPolygon.connect();
      console.log("walletProvider", walletProvider)

      const caller = new Web3(walletProvider);
      const accounts = await caller.eth.getAccounts();

      const user = await web3authPolygon.getUserInfo();

      let email = null;

      if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== ""
      ) {
        email =;

      return [accounts[0], caller, email];
  } catch (e) {

Are you experiencing issues only with email-passwordless login? Although you have disabled other login methods, can you please test enabling any other social login to see if it works?

Please share the logo URL. Also, once try without this logo.

Okay first off you guys, I’m very disappointed in this app and all the frustrations it’s been causing I had to create another account because I reached a daily limit… like what!??

Secondly, This issue has been occurring for email-passwordless & sms-passwordless.

I activated Google login to tried to login and I received this error:

Thirdly, I have removed the logo and received another error with email-password:

@shahbaz @maharshi

Hey @ty1 and,

I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. The message you received was to prevent spam on the community. I checked and found that your previous account had exceeded the limit, which is why you were seeing this message. However, I will increase the limits to allow you to continue using the community using your previous account. Please understand that this measure is necessary to ensure that the community remains free of spam.

Thank you for trying the suggested approach. I will share this with the engineering team and get back to you at earliest.

I was hoping for something soon as we have an event tomorrow but okay.

What should I do in the mean time?


Please be informed that our team will be reaching out to you via email to provide you with the necessary assistance. Kindly keep an eye out for their message.