Sorry I can't login with twitter

Twitter login is doesn’t work. Please check.


Thanks for sharing the console logs.

Please provide information if this is your application that you are integrating with Web3Auth. What is the URL of the application so we can check from our side. Please provide more information to proceed towards a resolution. Which country are you accessing the app from? Are you using VPN?

I come from China and I use the V2ray VPN with the USA node.
And application is and I can’t login with twitter on both.

and my other account can log in, but only this one cannot log in. Is it related to the permissions of Twitter?

This is the reason you are facing the issue. We understand there might be restrictions in your country but it is not something we control

I am able to login to both using my Twitter account so it might be some issue on your end. Are you able to login to Twitter directly?

Without VPN I can’t login to Twitter directly. But Yesterday I can login, and now I can’t. I also creat the new one account, When i logout and then i can’t login again… So It’s also the VPN error?

If you are unable to access your Twitter account directly, there must have been some change on your network/VPN which is preventing you from accessing. This is not an issue from our side since I am able to login without issues.

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