Why is VPN Not Allowed?

We have a user on their work VPN reporting this error:
“Unable to detect login share from the Auth Network. This may be due to slow internet connection. Check your internet speed and try again. If you’re using a vpn, please turn it off.”

Why aren’t VPNs allowed when using Web3Auth?

  • SDK Version: 5.2.0
  • Platform: React Native
  • Browser Console Screenshots: n/a

@brian Thanks for reaching out.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates once more information becomes available.

Hi, any update on this?

The error message “Unable to detect login share from the Auth Network” is a general error message that Web3Auth displays when it encounters issues with the network connection. It suggests that the issue may be due to a slow internet connection or the use of VPN.

The reason VPNs might cause issues is that they can sometimes slow down the internet connection or introduce additional security measures that interfere with the connection to the Auth Network. This is not specific to VPNs, but any network setup that could potentially slow down or disrupt the connection could cause this error.

If the user is experiencing this error while using a VPN, it’s recommended to turn off the VPN and try again. If the issue persists, it could be due to other network issues, and not necessarily the VPN.