Store shares / delete shares - metadata torus

Hello, I am using web3auth with react-native V0.73.2 and currently on V5.0.0 of the react-native-sdk.

I am experiencing performance issues due to numerous requests made to “”.

I had 25 shares and manually deleted all the shares I no longer use by using the “deleteShare” function of tKey, but this added even more requests to “”.

I currently have 10 shares (I understand it’s best to avoid having more than 6), but the application has become even slower since deleting the other shares.

When I use the “getMetadata” function of tKey, I have 41 items in polyIDList. I have the impression that the problem comes from there, but I don’t know how to delete items from this array. I must not have the correct deletion process.

How can I properly delete shares that are no longer in use?

hi @christophe

Thanks for creating a new post for your question. Let me share this with our team and get back to you as soon as possible.

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Hello TomTom, do you have any updates regarding this issue? Thank you.