I have been trying to contact Web3Auth for almost a month. No answer from any channel?
We would urgently need to migrate from PlugnPlay to Core in order to get email aggregation working.
Could someone please answer to me.
I have been trying to contact Web3Auth for almost a month. No answer from any channel?
We would urgently need to migrate from PlugnPlay to Core in order to get email aggregation working.
Could someone please answer to me.
Hey @henri.vass
Sorry for the inconvenience you’re facing. Could you share more details about the issue you’re experiencing? Are you having trouble booking a Calendly slot, or is there a specific support request that hasn’t been addressed?
Also, do you have any existing group setup with us that we can use for faster assistance?
Additionally, I noticed you mentioned a migration—are you looking to move from Plug and Play (PnP) to CoreKit? Let us know how we can assist with that transition.
Looking forward to your response!
What I mean that the calendly and chat are not working I mean that calendly you can access from Web3Auth dashboard (Calendly) is not valid and the “chat with us” option at help.web3auth.com is not working (nothing happens when you click it).
I also sent few weeks back an email to hello@web3auth.com, but nobody got back to me.
We want to get email aggregation working with web3auth and we have understood that for this we need our own verifier and need to be migrated to another network.
Our service has about 11k users (not all active) and they need to be able to access their accounts after this migration. Last time we spoke with web3auth we were told that there’s a way to get those accounts and wallets migrated somehow. We would need to go thru the needed steps for migration.
We don’t have an existing group setup with web3auth… what platform/service do you use for that? Telegram?
Can you share more on this email aggregation? So, is it two email_passwordless service or google + email_passwordless?
Yes, on your web3auth dashboard.
which web3auth network are you on? and does this involve existing users using your old verifier? which is a single verifier, and now you want to move it to aggregate?
Yes, migration from single verifier to aggregate verifier is possible, but coordination between our team and your dev team is required.
Telegram is fine. DM’d you my TG handle, plz ping me, i will help setup the group and start the process.
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