The reconnected value of "ADAPTER_EVENTS.CONNECTED" always comes out as "true"

I tried logging in through "uxmode: redirect". And I'm trying to call the API through "ADAPTER_EVENTS.CONNECTED" value of reconnected. However, in this mode, the value of reconnected always comes to "true", even though it is initial. Is there an appropriate section to put the login API through a different lifecycle?
(In the "uxmode: popup", it returned "false" the first time.)

using @web3auth/core

<div class="snippet-clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="useEffect(() => { const subscribeAuthEvents = (web3auth: Web3AuthCore) => { web3auth.on(ADAPTER_EVENTS.CONNECTED, async (data: IWeb3AuthData) => { console.log('Yeah!, you are successfully logged in', data); setUser(data); setWalletProvider(web3auth.provider!); <pre><code> if (!data.reconnected) { // LOGIN API REQUEST area [if success. get Accesstoken] } }); async function init() { try { setIsLoading(true); const web3AuthInstance = new Web3AuthCore({ chainConfig: CHAIN_CONFIG[CHAIN_ENV], clientId, web3AuthNetwork: CHAIN_ENV, }); const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({ adapterSettings: { clientId, network: CHAIN_ENV, uxMode: 'redirect', }, }); web3AuthInstance.configureAdapter(openloginAdapter); subscribeAuthEvents(web3AuthInstance); setWeb3Auth(web3AuthInstance); await web3AuthInstance.init(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { setIsLoading(false); } } init(); }, [setWalletProvider]);"><pre class="notranslate"><code class="notranslate">useEffect(() =&gt; { const subscribeAuthEvents = (web3auth: Web3AuthCore) =&gt; { web3auth.on(ADAPTER_EVENTS.CONNECTED, async (data: IWeb3AuthData) =&gt; { console.log('Yeah!, you are successfully logged in', data); setUser(data); setWalletProvider(web3auth.provider!); if (!data.reconnected) { // LOGIN API REQUEST area [if success. get Accesstoken] } }); async function init() { try { setIsLoading(true); const web3AuthInstance = new Web3AuthCore({ chainConfig: CHAIN_CONFIG[CHAIN_ENV], clientId, web3AuthNetwork: CHAIN_ENV, }); const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({ adapterSettings: { clientId, network: CHAIN_ENV, uxMode: 'redirect', }, }); web3AuthInstance.configureAdapter(openloginAdapter); subscribeAuthEvents(web3AuthInstance); setWeb3Auth(web3AuthInstance); await web3AuthInstance.init(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { setIsLoading(false); } } init(); }, [setWalletProvider]); </code></pre> <p></code></pre></div><br/> <br /> Originally posted by: <a href=''>blockodyssey-bjkim</a><br/> <br /> Check the discussion at: <a href=''></a></p>