The sign result is the same in different web browser

we run Plug and Play example, which is evm web-model-sdk of react-evm-modal-example, we found the signature from the same message is the same result between different web browser, it looks weird, the share B should stored in the browser local storage of user’s device according to the office document describe. if we change browser, the share B should be different, so why the sign result is the same?

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Hello @work.wilsonlyu
yeah you are right, share B is different between two browsers
But the final private key will be the same, which is used in signing message.

check how web3auth works by looking at this document. thanks.

Hi, pepper, Thanks for your reply. I understand what you mean. Now it’s a new question. I run the demo for MPC core kit popup example, the sign message result was the different. if this sign message used by same account and same sign private key to same message, the result should be the same, right? But I got the different result.

check this previous question and answer which is exactly same with yours,
It has all the answers to your questions.

Hi, Pepper, many thanks for your reply so quick and clear. I understand this issue. but why there is two different situation in different sdk example ? I mean the signature result are always same in Plug and Play example, but in the MPC core kit are different.

what pnp examples are you testing?
as from the link I shared, pnp sdk and mpc core kit sdk have different implementation of signing, so it causes the different result.

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