The testnet verifier/project creation is now halted. Please use the `cyan` network instead!

Due to internal migration of networks into our new architecture, the creation of projects and verifiers on the testnet is currently halted.

For the time being we advise you to kindly utilize other mainnet networks such as cyan, aqua, or mainnet.

Note: Please take note that the use of Sapphire Networks in Web3Auth non MPC SDKs is not yet supported, we are working on supporting it soon.

I was wondering when this issue will be resolved. I have one custom verifier that has been processing for several days and another which has been processing for 24 hours.

Web3auth team doesn’t keep us that much updated.

Hi shabaz, how long suppose I need to wait for the verifier create completed?
I’ve seen the popup says testnet is under some maintenance or migrating. Do it affect creating verifier?

Hey @b5g

Please use a mainnet verifier to create your verifier. Preferably on the cyan network. It would take 10-20 mins maximum.

Let us know if you need any assistance.

Hello @jeremy,

To create your verifier, kindly use one of the mainnet networks as the testnet network is currently suspended. Thank you.

Hi @shahbaz, thanks for the notice.
I wonder if it affects existing testnet verifiers. Do we have to take any action or they’re migrated automatically?
Besides, will mainnet be deprecated as well. If so, do you have the schedule yet?