The Torus Network that powers Web3Auth is currently very busy

I received the following error message after calling the CustomAuth.getTorusKey method. I’m wondering if there is a limit on the number of API calls, or if it’s just a temporary error and I can try again. If there is a limit on the number of API calls, what is the limit?

Sorry, the Torus Network that powers Web3Auth is currently very busy.
We will generate your key in time. Pls try again later. 
  • SDK Versions
    @tkey/default”, “7.2.0”
    @tkey/web-storage”, “7.2.0”
    @tkey/security-questions”, “7.2.0”
    @tkey/seed-phrase”, “7.2.0”

  • Verifier Details: customType, email

  • JWKS Endpoint:

@uther Are you able to share the screenshot of the console logs?

This error is not always occurring, so it is difficult to take a screenshot of the console log. However, the content I posted is the entire message.

please refer to Cosmos node is currently unavailable. Mainnet will see some degradation, for now, please consider other networks - #3 by

Consider using a different network

Is it possible to migrate a custom verifier with its users from Mainnet to Cyan Mainnet?

Every network has different nodes and that causes the keys to change. If you move from one network to another, the keys will change.

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