The web3auth "connected" modal shows up on every page

I am using web3auth for a web application, every time I navigate to a new page the authentication mobile « You are connected with your account » shows up on page load and deteriorate the user experience.

is there any way to retain the authentication state across page navigation to avoid this behavior?

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
    clientId: 'XXXXXXX',
    chainConfig: {
      chainNamespace: 'eip155',
      chainId: '0x13881',
      rpcTarget: '',
      displayName: 'Polygon Mainnet',
      blockExplorer: '',
      ticker: 'MATIC',
      tickerName: 'Matic',
    uiConfig: {
      theme: 'dark',
      appLogo: '',
await web3auth.initModal()
await web3auth.connect()

Originally posted by: robinstraub

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