When I run:
await web3auth_.initModal()
I am getting this error:
TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
at torusEvmAdapter.esm.f28111a1.js:32:2329
This only occurs in production. In dev everthing is ok.
Printing out the web3auth_
object returns a "kTe" object with status = "not_ready". Whereas running in my localhost, the web3auth object is called "Web3Auth" with status = "ready".
I am using a vite + react setup
Code snippet:
<div class="snippet-clipboard-content notranslate position-relative overflow-auto" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="useEffect(() => { const init = async () => { setIsLoggingIn(true) try { <pre><code> const web3auth_ = new Web3Auth({ clientId: 'BCra18FhoqHZBjima6njP0JKotW1lSDCyjdhcyuHpj8WO_0AbQ04_psVRM-5XV9DpUFYGRbct78l5JVN4qvskh0', chainConfig: { chainNamespace: 'eip155', chainId: '0x89', rpcTarget: "https://polygon-rpc.com", // This is just a placeholder, I am actually using my own private RPC target (both results same) displayName: "Polygon Mainnet", blockExplorer: "https://polygonscan.com/", ticker: "MATIC", tickerName: "Matic", }, uiConfig: { appLogo: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junhuang-ho/miscellaneous/64fc258aefb53d20b6e520aa44c7e5be2bf10b06/l3-t1-crop.svg" }, authMode: 'DAPP', storageKey: 'session'//'local' }); await web3auth_.initModal() // <----------- FAILS HERE setWeb3Auth(web3auth_) setIsLoggingIn(false) const provider = await web3auth_.connect() } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; init() }, [selectedChain]);"><pre class="notranslate"><code class="notranslate">useEffect(() => { const init = async () => { setIsLoggingIn(true) try { const web3auth_ = new Web3Auth({ clientId: 'BCra18FhoqHZBjima6njP0JKotW1lSDCyjdhcyuHpj8WO_0AbQ04_psVRM-5XV9DpUFYGRbct78l5JVN4qvskh0', chainConfig: { chainNamespace: 'eip155', chainId: '0x89', rpcTarget: "https://polygon-rpc.com", // This is just a placeholder, I am actually using my own private RPC target (both results same) displayName: "Polygon Mainnet", blockExplorer: "https://polygonscan.com/", ticker: "MATIC", tickerName: "Matic", }, uiConfig: { appLogo: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junhuang-ho/miscellaneous/64fc258aefb53d20b6e520aa44c7e5be2bf10b06/l3-t1-crop.svg" }, authMode: 'DAPP', storageKey: 'session'//'local' }); await web3auth_.initModal() // <----------- FAILS HERE setWeb3Auth(web3auth_) setIsLoggingIn(false) const provider = await web3auth_.connect() } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; init() }, [selectedChain]); </code></pre> <p></code></pre></div><br/> <br /> Originally posted by: <a href='https://github.com/junhuang-ho'>junhuang-ho</a><br/> <br /> Check the discussion at: <a href='https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/558'>https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/558</a></p>