Unable to detect login share from the Auth Network - Next App - Auth0

Hi, I’m creating a Nextjs application in which i want to create an Auth0 based login system in which a user first go to Auth0 for authentication using gmail, apple or gitHub then to Web3Auth for private key generation against an email (selected in Auth0 step). Currently my Auth0 app is using three social connections 1. Google 2. Apple and 3. GitHub. I added following URLs in Allowed Callback URLs and Allowed Web origins.

Allowed Callback URLs in Auth0 dashboard:

Allowed Web origins in Auth0 dashboard:
same links added here as well

About Verifier:
I created a verifier name “gameone-testing-verifier” in which i selected “Auth0” as Login Provider and “Google” as AuthenticationType and “Sub” as JWT Verifier ID. I’m confused here means as i have Google, Apple & GitHub as my Auth0 social connections so why i’m selecting Google just as AuthenticationType in Verifier creation. Anyway i’m sharing github code link as a new user can only attach one media file so just attached browser console screenshot.

Complete code github:

How to solve this error? I tried 5-10 times with different configuration. It is going to “auth0” popup and after selecting google it is going to google email selection step and when i select an email from google , it is redirecting to cyan openlogin with following error

My browser console:

SDK versions:
@web3auth/base-provider”: “^6.1.7”,
@web3auth/ethereum-provider”: “^6.1.8”,
@web3auth/no-modal”: “^6.1.7”,
@web3auth/openlogin-adapter”: “^6.1.7”,

About Web3Auth App:
I created an EVM based app and added localhost, auth0 domain link and beta.openlogin URLs as whitelisted URLs

@bushrahussain050 Welcome Aboard!

Please refer to our guide for Auth0 to ensure you are following the right steps:

Use Aggregate Verifier: You can combine multiple login methods to create a verifier to get the same address for your user regardless of their login providers is possible while creating a verifier, for example, combining a Google, Apple and GitHub via Auth0 to access the same key for your user. These login methods should share the same Verifier ID, e.g., email ; such verifiers are called Single ID Verifiers. Please refer to:

You can take a look at few examples here

Thank you so much @vjgee . I tried using aggregator verifier in which i added three sub-verifiers 1. Google as independent client 2. Auth0=> Github 3. Auth0=>Apple .

It worked fine once (Giving everything correctly with No error) However when i tried it second time it is saying “Could Not Get Result From Torus Nodes - Something went wrong”

Github code:

One more question, If i’m using an email e.g. xyz@gmail.com on Google and a different email e.g abc@gmail.com on GitHub . will it provide same private key or wallet address in case of aggregate verifier? OR only same email everywhere means xyz@gmail.com on Google or gitHub or facebook will return same private key in aggregate verifier ?

Do you find the CORS error in Chrome Incognito? Which version of Chrome you are on? Have you check with other browsers ?

Yes, Aggregate verifier is combining multiple login methods to create a verifier to get the same wallet address for your user for the same email id regardless of their login providers, for example, combining a Google and Email Passwordless login or Google and GitHub via Auth0 to access the same key for your user.

Here, multiple sub-verifiers are combined under one single aggregate verifier, and one wallet address is generated from the aggregate verifier. So for In the case discussed above verifiers with different login providers can be added as sub-verifiers under one aggregate verifier, which would allow users to get a single wallet address provided one of the fields (like email) stays the same across sub-verifiers.

@bushrahussain050 Are you still facing any intermittent errors? We have v7 for Web3Auth available if you are facing any issues, you can upgrade.

Hi @vjgee i tested it on another window of google chrome with another email . it was working fine there for Google independent client . However on Auth0, still left to be tested . And i will share feedback after upgrading it to v7 . Thanks for asking