Unable to log in on android

  • SDK Version: 33

  • Platform: Android Studio

  • Screenshots:

    Upon clicking the LogIn button , the “Not Found” option comes.

  • If the issue is related to Custom Authentication, please include the following information (optional):

    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken (JWT):

Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.

The initialization code is as follows:-

web3Auth = new Web3Auth(
                new Web3AuthOptions(
                        Network.SAPPHIRE_MAINNET, // pass over the network you want to use (MAINNET or TESTNET or CYAN, AQUA, SAPPHIRE_MAINNET or SAPPHIRE_TESTNET)


Following is the signIn() code:

private void signIn() {
        String email = emailInput.getText().toString();
        ExtraLoginOptions extraLoginOptions = new ExtraLoginOptions();
        // IMP START - Login
        Provider selectedLoginProvider = Provider.EMAIL_PASSWORDLESS;   // Can be GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, TWITCH etc.
        LoginParams loginParams = new LoginParams(selectedLoginProvider, extraLoginOptions.getLogin_hint(),null,null,null,null,null,null);
        CompletableFuture<Web3AuthResponse> loginCompletableFuture = web3Auth.login(loginParams);
        // IMP END - Login

        loginCompletableFuture.whenComplete((response, error) -> {
            if (error == null) {
                // Set the sessionId from Web3Auth in App State
                // This will be used when making blockchain calls with Web3j
                credentials = Credentials.create(web3Auth.getPrivkey());
                web3 = Web3j.build(new HttpService(rpcUrl));

//                proceedToMapActivity();
            } else {
                Log.d("SignInActivity_Web3Auth", error.getMessage() != null ? error.getMessage() : "Something went wrong");

I want to integrate email+gmail integration for solana wallet and finding a lot of difficulty in it. Help would be highly appreciable as i am struggling in the error a lot.

Hey @mayananand2, I saw the screenshot you shared. It shows rpc.ankr.com, and it shouldn’t happen from Web3Auth side. Can you share the screen recording of the flow, or github repo to check the code? From the snippets you shared, it shouldn’t route you to rpc.ankr.com.

I saw, you want to integrate email + gmail for Solana wallet, we do have a sample. Please have a look at it.

thanks. The repo that you referenced was able to solve my problem

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