Unable to login using Web3, login provider: email_passwordless

I don’t get idToken value, when I try to login with email (login provider: email_passwordless). This way only works for my main email, but when I try to login using another one, I don’t get idToken value.

My code:
const login = async (
loginProvider: string,
data: { login_hint?: string; referralCode: string | null }
) => {
if (!web3auth) {
try {
await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
login_hint: data.login_hint


  const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo();


} catch (err: any) {


@lfgprojectmail Welcome Aboard!

Can you share the response you receive ? You need to specify the loginProvider as Passwordless:

import { WALLET_ADAPTERS } from "@web3auth/base";

const web3authProvider = await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
  loginProvider: "email_passwordless",
  extraLoginOptions: {
    login_hint: "hello@web3auth.io", // email to send the OTP to

You will have to pass login_hint as user’s email and domain as your app domain in extraLoginOptions while using email_passwordless loginProvider

You can refer to the below documentation on the usage:

loginProvider is specified as “email_passwordless”. I tried to move login_hint to extraLoginOptions, but it’s still not working for my other emails.
I have two google emails. When I try to login with my first email I get this response data:

 aggregateVerifier: "tkey-auth0-email-passwordless"
 dappShare: ""
 email: "firstemail@gmail.com"
 **idToken: "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6Ik..."**
  name: "firstemail@gmail.com"
 oAuthAccessToken: ""
 oAuthIdToken: ""
 profileImage: ""
 typeOfLogin: "jwt"
 verifier: "torus"
 verifierId: "firstemail@gmail.com"

As you can see field idToken has value, but when I try to login with my second email I get the response data with empty idToken:

 aggregateVerifier: "tkey-auth0-email-passwordless"
 dappShare: ""
 email: "secondemail@gmail.com"
 **idToken: ""**
 name: "secondemail@gmail.com"
 oAuthAccessToken: ""
 oAuthIdToken: ""
 profileImage: ""
 typeOfLogin: "jwt"
 verifier: "torus"
 verifierId: "secondemail@gmail.com"

That’s weird. If I use loginProvider as “google” (modal sdk) it works for all my emails.

Does it depend on the google account setting in any way?

I have forwarded your issue to our team and will get back once more information becomes available.

Ok, thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

@lfgprojectmail Are you setting up Email passwordless with Auth0?

Have you upgraded to the latest Web No-Modal SDK version 6.1.7 ?