Unable to obtain provider

I’m building an expo app for the solana ecosystem following the documentation, I’ve got to the point where I’ve logged in succesfully but I’ve seen the documentation Integrate Web3Auth with the Solana Blockchain | Documentation | Web3Auth and I’m not able to replicate what the web is doing here, how should continue forward in order for example to sign a transaction or sending one without the provider?

This is what I have access from the web3auth in react native

Any help is very much appreciated!

@nicomanzato Thanks for reaching out.

Your request has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates once more information becomes available.

@nicomanzato Thanks for your patience.

For standardising the type of provider, Web3Auth Base provides a SafeEventEmitterProvider from which you can create your own provider.

  • Ethereum Provider gives you the capability of making RPC calls to the EVM compatible blockchains.
  • Solana Provider gives you the capability of making RPC calls to the Solana blockchain.
  • XRPL Provider gives you the capability of making RPC calls to the XRPL blockchain.
  • If you want to use any other chain except Solana or EVM chains, for ex: Starknet, you can specify the value of chainNamespace field as other in the Web3Auth SDK Constructor. Refer to: Using other blockchains

Thank you for your quick response!

I’ve tried what your mentioned above, but I still get the same problem. I’ll attach a snippet with my code example. My end goal is to successfully instantiate the wallet constant yet following the documentation it seems those methods don’t exist in the react native environment. Is there anything I may be missing? an extension?

I will need to check with our Developer team on this and will keep you updated on the progress.

Hi! is there any update on this issue? Thank you!

@nicomanzato Hey, sorry for the delay. I’ll link the regular react native pnp SDK expo example here. As you see, we have created a ethersRPC.js that allows us to perform transactions on Ethereum chain using ethers.js. In a similar way, you can create a solanaRPC.js using the @solana/web3.js. Sorry for the misunderstanding ,we won’t be using a SolanaProvider for react native PnP SDKs, you’ll find these useful when using PnP web SDKs or SFA Core-kit SDKs.
I’ll link this as well, How to use @solana/web3.js in a React Native app

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