Unity Editor iOS Error

Hi, I have the same problem as this post and this followup which was never updated with the solution.

To summarize the issue:
The Web3Auth works perfectly so far on Android Unity Editor.
When I tried the basic test on iOS Unity Editor it gave these errors

EntryPointNotFoundException: web3auth_keystore_get assembly: type: member:(null)
KeyStoreManagerUtils.getPreferencesData (System.String key) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Keystore/KeyStoreManagerUtils.cs:69)
Web3Auth.authorizeSession (System.String newSessionId) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:368)
Web3Auth.Awake () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:89)

EntryPointNotFoundException: web3auth_keystore_set assembly: type: member:(null)
KeyStoreManagerUtils.savePreferenceData (System.String key, System.String value) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Keystore/KeyStoreManagerUtils.cs:60)
Web3Auth+<>c__DisplayClass30_0.b__1 () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:529)
Web3Auth+d__36.MoveNext () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:595)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at /Users/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Runtime/Export/Scripting/Coroutines.cs:17)
<>c__DisplayClass35_0:b__0() (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:588)
Web3Auth:Update() (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:577)

SDK Version: 2.1.1
Unity Version: 2021.3.20f1

@neardev Your request has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Hey @neardev

Can you tell me any particular steps to reciprocate this error. We have created multiple unity examples recently, which work fine on both android and ios. You can find them here: https://github.com/Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples/tree/main/unity

We’d be happy to debug this further once we have a way of producing this error on our end.

The steps I did to encounter these errors were:

-Follow the steps in Using Web3Auth Unity SDK (using Unity version 2021.3.20f1)

-apply the Web3Auth script to an object in a scene

-run in Unity editor play mode with build platform set to iOS

For further errors: apply and use a test script to login via Web3Auth, returning to Unity after ‘successful’ login in browser shows multiple of the same error from a different line of code.

Any updates on this? Any more information I can provide that would be helpful?

I want to update this with some new information.

Now when I test the authorization with Unity iOS, I still get the first EntryPointNotFoundException from line 69 on start.

But when I actually try to login with an account, the second error does not appear. However, when I achieve a successful login on the browser and return to Unity, the Debug.Log I placed in the onLogin method does not fire.

I am now using Unity 2022.3.18f1 and I am still getting the error as stated in my most recent previous post.

Is there anything more I can provide to help you reproduce and fix it?