Unity - SessionID System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format

We are currently testing Web3Auth with the Unity SDK. The setup is simple, but we have an issue when getting the sessionID after logging in.
The sessionIDs we are receiving are clearly not hexadecimal numbers as expected in

publickey after successful redirection from web. =>eyJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiIyNjIwODA0NGYwZDU1YzIyZTE0MjBmMGQ3MjA3ZWI0Zjc3OWVkZmUwMTllZDI4MzRhYThjMmRiY2MyYWU0ODU4In0
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Web3Auth:setResultUrl (System.Uri) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:319)
Web3Auth:IncomingHttpRequest (System.IAsyncResult) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:239)
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
  at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException (System.Boolean overflow, System.String overflowResourceKey) [0x0001a] in <dc753a1061284f8e971ee88ee4826eee>:0 
  at System.Number.ParseUInt64 (System.ReadOnlySpan`1[T] value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles styles, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x0003f] in <dc753a1061284f8e971ee88ee4826eee>:0 
  at System.UInt64.Parse (System.String s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style) [0x0001c] in <dc753a1061284f8e971ee88ee4826eee>:0 
  at Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger..ctor (System.String str, System.Int32 radix) [0x0013a] in /_/crypto/src/math/BigInteger.cs:393 
  at KeyStoreManagerUtils.getPubKey (System.String sessionId) [0x00033] in D:\Projects\TestWeb3Auth\Assets\Plugins\Web3AuthSDK\Keystore\KeyStoreManagerUtils.cs:41 
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
KeyStoreManagerUtils:getPubKey (string) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Keystore/KeyStoreManagerUtils.cs:47)
Web3Auth:authorizeSession (string) (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:379)
Web3Auth/<>c__DisplayClass24_0:<setResultUrl>b__1 () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:320)
Web3Auth/<ActionWrapper>d__36:MoveNext () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:595)
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator)
Web3Auth/<>c__DisplayClass35_0:<Enqueue>b__0 () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:588)
Web3Auth:Update () (at Assets/Plugins/Web3AuthSDK/Web3Auth.cs:577)

We are using the Sample scene, either with the clientID already setup or one after the app has been created, same behaviour too with WebGL or Android, 2021.3 or 2022.3. This issue happens et least when using Google, FB or email login.
Is there a bug in the sample or is there anything needed as configuration for this sessionID to be correct ?

Thanks in advance.

hi @david3,

I hope you are doing fine!

Let me test it and come back to you …

Did you test our examples with their older version ?

Hi! No this is our first test of this SDK, with the 2.1.1 release. Should we try the 2.0.2 one or even a 1.X ?

hi @david3

I hope you are doing well. If you are planning to follow the unity quickstart please take in mind that you don’t need to do npm install

Here is a link to it: Integration Builder | Web3Auth

Also, you can download the full pnp-examples with

git clone https://github.com/Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples/ 

And then from the unity Hub App → select the directory of the example: unity/unity-aggregate-verifier-example