Updating email of user without changing user's private key

I am using email as verifierId in my custom authentication flow, and I wonder if there is any way to update the user’s email without losing user’s private key. Maybe a way to make it return same private key for different email, or maybe export the private key and re-import it with the updated email etc. I need to do this just once and I don’t need to do this in a dynamic manner, so any type of solution is acceptable.

What would be even greater is for me to be able update the verifierId to sub, and still return the same private key to the corresponding user.

@ahmet Welcome Aboard!

Thanks for your patience.

You will not be able to change the email addresses once the private key is generated as it is unique.

I will check this with our team and get back with their feedback

If you change the verifierID from Email to Sub, the private key will change. You cannot return the same private key for the user.

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