Url not whitelisted

I am also facing similar issue. So when I build a android application it always show this error " could not validate redirect, please whitelist your redirect url: torusapp://com.torus.Web3AuthUnity for provided clientid BG36kJm4mt-a1Q3vULj_hEylrZmw2M2fckiJG1GGVaeyoOAm16-s1dPLWsDEvovnbr78LYvcYc4hBJVtk3029lM at https://dashboard.web3auth.io/. Also, this project is on mainnet network. Please ensure the used Client ID belongs to this network.".

This issue comes only when I try to login with twitter and google but with phantom it works absolutely fine, also the same project works fine on web and unity editor.I have attached the screenshots for reference, please look into it. I am using sample project of solana unity sdk.

@narendera.abhiwan Thanks for your post.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates once more information becomes available.

I think the reason here might be related to wrong web3authNetwork parameter in the web3auth constructor code. Please check this.

Also you can add or remove any whitelist url at any point of time. Just make sure the client id and verifier are on the same network for it to work properly.

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