Use Android one-tap sign on CustomAuth

Hello, I have a few questions about customauth integration.
I want to get google id token through one-tap sign in android app and communicate directly with torus node through this.
To do this, I am writing a demo code using customauth getTorusKey.

When I make this request, I get the following error. Can you tell me the detailed reason for the error and how can I fix it?

Error: Error occurred while verifying paramsazip is not clientID [google oauth client id 1] [google oauth client id 2]

I have 2 Oauth client on google api for android one-tap sign (android, web-application)
스크린샷 2023-01-06 오후 11 03 28

and I create 2 verifier each client id
스크린샷 2023-01-06 오후 10 56 12

and my google id token's payload has 2 client id
스크린샷 2023-01-06 오후 10 58 27


Originally posted by: SleepTimeGRT

Check the discussion at:

I solve it.
I tried it to single_id_verifier, but sub-verifier is the correct way.

Originally posted by: SleepTimeGRT