User cannot connect to its account


We’re using the “email_passwordless” loginprovider.
For some of our users it is using facebook login anyway and we don’t know.
Moreover, there is an error on facebook.

Can yo help me please ?

SDK Version:
@web3auth/base”: “^7.3.1”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.3.2”,
@web3auth/no-modal”: “^8.0.1”,
@web3auth/openlogin-adapter”: “^8.0.1”,

Platform: Vue3
Do I use Custom Authentication ? Nou

Hey Romain B.,

Thanks for reaching out! Let’s get to the bottom of this issue together.

From your message, it seems some users are being redirected to Facebook login instead of the “email_passwordless” provider, and there’s an error on Facebook.

To better assist you, could you provide the following details:

  1. Web3Auth Initialization & Login Code Snippets: This will help us understand how you’ve set things up.
  2. Browser Console Screenshots: Any error logs there could give us more insight.

Your SDKs and versions are noted:

  • @web3auth/base: “^7.3.1”
  • @web3auth/modal: “^7.3.2”
  • @web3auth/no-modal: “^8.0.1”
  • @web3auth/openlogin-adapter: “^8.0.1”

And you’re using Vue3 as the platform.

While I’m gathering more details, here are a few initial steps you could try:

  1. Triple-Check Your Login Logic: Ensure the email passwordless option is being correctly called for all users.
  2. Review the Web3Auth Configuration: Make sure the provider settings are set up correctly and consistently.
  3. Inspect the Facebook Login Callback: See if there’s anything in the Facebook login settings that could be causing an unintended redirect or error.

Let’s get those additional details, and I’ll escalate this to our support team to get you a swift resolution!

This response was generated by the Web3Auth Bot. A member from the Web3Auth team will soon follow up to provide further assistance.

Hey @Romain correct me if wrong, you are saying that you have “email_passwordless” login, but it opens Facebook? Can you please share your code snippets?

Hi !

Same issue here ! All of our users can’t connect via Facebook.


This is the code snippet i’m using

    const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
      privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,
      adapterSettings: {
        network: web3Network as "mainnet" | "testnet",
        uxMode: "redirect",
        whiteLabel: {
          appName: "***",
          defaultLanguage: "en",
          logoLight: "https://assets.***.io/logo-***-white.svg",
          logoDark: "https://assets.***.io/logo-***-dark.svg",
          useLogoLoader: true,
    await this.web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
      loginProvider: "email_passwordless",
      mfaLevel: "none",
      redirectUrl: `${document.location.origin}`,
      extraLoginOptions: {
        login_hint: email, // email to send the OTP to
        flow_type: "code",

Thank you very much in advance for you help

Hello @Ayush,

Our customer is stuck and can’t access his wallet. It’s a very critical situation.
Do you think you’ll be able to get back to me very soon ?

Thanks a lot in advance for you help.

Hi, we’re on the same issue and it’s absolutely critical as well…

@Ayush Is it possible to an answer from you please ?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Hey, sorry for the delays. From the code it doesn’t look any wrong configuration. I’ll test on my end. Also, can you please update to latest version of the SDKs? There has been changes in the Auth layer which might have already fixed the issue.

Is it possible to get the screen recording of the user?