User connecting with email do not receive 6 digit validation email

Could you try upgrading to the latest versions:

@web3auth/base”: “^7.2.0”,
@web3auth/modal”: “^7.2.0”

Also, noticed this in the console logs :

WARNING! You are on testnet. Please set network: 'mainnet' or 'sapphire_mainnet' in production

Have you setup your project on Legacy Testnet on your Dashboard? Can you share the screenshot of the verifiers you have setup?

Now, I am still unable to replicate the issue.

Can you share your Web3Auth Initialization and login script?

Hello @vjgee , I’ll update Web3Auth and tell you if the error persist.

WARNING! You are on testnet. Please set network: ‘mainnet’ or ‘sapphire_mainnet’ in production

It meant to be this way as we are working on Polygon Mumbai Testnet. I’ve got it all wrong and should use the mainnet for Web3Auth even if I’m on a testnet blockchain ? Will Web3Auth provide the same tuple [Social Login | Wallet Address] if we move Web3Auth Environment from Legacy Testnet to mainnet ?

Have you setup your project on Legacy Testnet on your Dashboard?

Can you share the screenshot of the verifiers you have setup?

Can you share your Web3Auth Initialization and login script?

I’m not sure you’re talking about this piece of configuration

const modalConfig: Record<string, ModalConfig> = {
    label: 'openlogin',
    loginMethods: {
      // Disable sms_passwordless
      sms_passwordless: {
        name: 'sms_passwordless',
        showOnModal: false,

Or this ?

new Web3Auth({
  chainConfig: {
    chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
  uiConfig: {
    appName: config.lay3rs.websiteName,
    displayErrorsOnModal: true,
    logoDark: config.lay3rs.favicon,
    logoLight: config.lay3rs.favicon,


// mainnet
  polygon: {
    chainId: '0x89',
    rpcTarget: `${this.infuraApiKey}`,
  // testnet
  mumbai: {
    chainId: '0x13881',
    rpcTarget: `${this.infuraApiKey}`,
    displayName: 'Polygon Mumbai Testnet',
    blockExplorer: '',
    ticker: 'MATIC',
    tickerName: 'Matic',

I’ll keep in touch with the matter when we’ll have upgraded Web3Auth deps.


I am referring to the parameter ‘web3AuthNetwork’ in your code and since you have your project on Legacy testnet, the parameter ‘web3AuthNetwork’ should be ‘testnet’. Have you set it up this way ?

The web3AuthNetwork is set to testnet on my side :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing the details.

Then the settings are correct.

@vjgee , i’ve tried to create a new Web3Auth App named : build3rs-local-test on my account.

I’ve used the sapphire_devnet environment.

And still I did not receive any mail for the 6 digit validation from W3A even in my spam for the email :

When I try with I receive it instantly.

Moreover, switching environment with W3A would not be a good solution for us as it doesn’t map the same wallet address for the same account.

The matter is more pressing day by day for my clients and their end users.

Is there anything I can do to help you resolve this matter ?

I’ve tried with the same email on your demo site :

And still cannot receive any email either.

@JulienRousset Thanks for your patience.

This seems to be an edge case but our team is checking why this might be happening. Rest assured, it is being reviewed and we will get back when there is a meaningful update to share.

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@JulienRousset Thanks for your continued patience.

I was able to check the behavior from your dapp for the below email IDs using Passwordless login:

Attaching the logs to confirm the verification email was sent to these IDs while testing with the same timestamp:

Please do keep this in mind.

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