User connecting with email do not receive 6 digit validation email


When users chose Email within the Web3Auth connection modal, they’re redirected to a 6 digit email validation modal, saying an email will be delivered. But no email arrives (this is new, i’ve seen this work), and yes, we checked the Spam :face_with_peeking_eye:

More informations

  • We’re using the testnet
  • SDK Version:
  "@web3auth/base": "^7.1.0",
  "@web3auth/modal": "^7.1.1"
  • Platform: Web

Is there something with mail delivery on your side ?
I can provide you the example of creating an account failed because I’ve never received the email to validate the 6 digit modal.

May I help in any way, provide more information to solve this important matter ?

Good luck and have a nice day :four_leaf_clover:

@JulienRousset Thanks for your recent communication.

Your issue has been forwarded to our team and we will get back to you with further updates.

If I can be of any help, i’ve got several email address.

  • On : I do not receive any kind of email from Web3Auth at all
  • On : I receive the emails i’m supposed to

I’ve verified this on local, test and prod environment.

What do differentiate those two emails from the Web3Auth perspective ?

I’m on

    "@web3auth/base": "^7.1.0",
    "@web3auth/modal": "^7.1.1",

And cannot find the extraLoginOptions definition in the ModalConfig to the initModal method. Is it somewhere else ?

Could you check if your Gmail account is blocking email from us ?

The verification emails are sent from so check both the email if you are allowing to receive email from this email address?

I’m going to check, but I highly doubt that :no_mouth:

Thanks for the quick response though :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok, no need not switch to No Modal in that case.

I am forwarding your issue to our Dev team in the meantime to check your email

Can you please provide your Dapp URL to check the behavior as well?

@JulienRousset Our logs indicate now that email is being delivered to the email address . Can you check from your side once again?

The DAPP Url is
You can check the behavior by clicking on “Sign In / Sign Up” in the top-right corner of the screen.

Thanks for checking the delivered email.

I just received them all at once :

I’m checking again on my production env if the matters is resolved

Ok right now i’m locked with my account

error_code: "503"
message:  "Too many attempts"
success:  false

I’ll try again in a few.

You cannot have more than 2 unverified emails per 24 hours. An IP cannot request more than 2 emails per 5 mins.

Potentially in your tests you can use multiple accounts under the rate limits

Ok i’ve tried with another account at 16h24 (GMT+1)
No mail received, I clicked on retry (from the modal) at 16h28 (GMT+1)

If you can check on your side if the mail has been delivered I would be happy :slight_smile:

I cannot find any logs for this email address? Did you receive any error at your end? Try using a newly created email if this email was already used in the past as it might have also hit the rate limits.

I was unable to replicate the behavior on your Dapp using two Gmail addresses and received the code immediately.

I did not used this email address before so that would be strange I guess

The inconsistency of this error is driving me a bit crazy :crazy_face:

I’m aware that this does not impact every email address

I’m trying to find a common factor between the email that do not work.

I’ll try to come back with more actionnable informations.

Please try using a different network (ISP) to check the behavior.

I’ve waited 24 hours, to retry with my email address
I’ve tried with my other address that worked previously

at 14h55 GMT+1 and 15h00 GMT+1

We can remove the ISP factor as I received an email with instantly.

I am under the impression that for an account to receive email from Web3Auth, it should already be registered to your services.

Is there something wrong with our configurations ?

    label: 'openlogin',
    loginMethods: {
      // Disable sms_passwordless
      sms_passwordless: {
        name: 'sms_passwordless',
        showOnModal: false,
  // Disable Wallet Connect V2
    label: 'wallet_connect',
    showOnModal: false,
  // Disable Metamask
    label: 'metamask',
    showOnModal: false,
  // Disable Torus Evm
    label: 'torus_evm',
    showOnModal: false,

EDIT : @vjgee , I’m fully aware that this bug is really mysterious and could be coming from both Web3Auth and my code. Could we maybe setup a quick call to speed things up ?

@JulienRousset Our team are looking into your issue and is taking more time than expected. We will get back to you once there is an update to share.

Thank you very much, do not hesitate to pull me if you need more informations, test, everything.
I’ll be there.

Another piece of informations i’ve received to mail from Web3Auth digit validations for my days after any action on my side yesterday (30/11/2023) :

To add more example of the bug we currently encounter :

One of my teammate try email connect with and did not receive any email validation, i’ll send a message when she get the validation email :slight_smile: