User Login Issue: Cant get result from Torus Nodes

Thanks for the update, I just dropped you an email with a network log sample. Let me know if anything else is neeed.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to check in here to see if we have made any progress on this issue.

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Guys, hope all is well. What is the update for this issue??? Am I going to be reimbursed?? I cannot export my wallet!!! I have been trying to escalate this issue , and I am not seeing any results. This is such a bad look. I followed all your instructions and am basically being robbed for my data and my rewards. Iā€™m also missing on on extra reward with the Macaron Contest simply because I cannot connect my wallet! Iā€™m begging here guys, I need a solution, I have more than one vehicle on this account and I have NO access!!! Is there any update?? Thanks