User Login Issue: Cant get result from Torus Nodes

Hey, can you please advise some of our users who have mentioned issues when they log into the DIMO mobile app, and they go to interact with their wallet, they sometimes run into the error posted above.

 "@web3auth/react-native-sdk": "5.0.0",
"@web3modal/coinbase-wagmi-react-native": "^1.3.0",
"@web3modal/wagmi-react-native": "^1.3.0",

hi @shaolin

I hope you are doing ok. Are you receiving this error “Could not get result from torus nodes Duplicate token found”?

please check our docs:

Also please check the last version of @web3auth/react-native-sdk → 6.0.0

In case this is not your error, would you mind sharing with us some code snippets?

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Hello, I am having this issue as well.

Going to ask the devs to see what the root error is. Looks like from the screen it just gives us the generic No results from Torus nodes.

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Hi @MegaDaDon,
Could you please create a new post sharing your package versions, some code snippets, and the exact error that you are receiving?

Thanks a lot!

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Hello, those images u see are actually my images… those are the errors I’m getting. Hope that helps for our configuration

Here is a sample JWT: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjM0ODg1M2I0M2ZmODI5YjJkMGIyMzM4YTEwYmZkNWYyMGExNjQ5NzMifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGguZGltby56b25lIiwicHJvdmlkZXJfaWQiOiJ3ZWIzIiwic3ViIjoiQ2lvd2VFRXpOak0wTnpoRlFqUTRNRVl4WVRNeE1VTTNOemRCWW1Ga1l6UTJObUkyTVRrd05ETXpSRElTQkhkbFlqTSIsImF1ZCI6InRyaXBzLXNpZ25hbHMtd2ViYXBwIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE2ODYyMDU3LCJpYXQiOjE3MTY4NDc2NTcsImF0X2hhc2giOiJsYmkwU3p5cUp5eW53bjFJb2w4dTNBIiwiY19oYXNoIjoiajEyUHA1WDFjeUloWGhPa2FVQkdfQSIsImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjpmYWxzZSwiZXRoZXJldW1fYWRkcmVzcyI6IjB4QTM2MzQ3OEVCNDgwRjFhMzExQzc3N0FiYWRjNDY2YjYxOTA0MzNEMiJ9.pFiX_AHEOkUW6L38keikMVtxvEe636-l5I1s7FCTDEKYsY6n-fI9qiTdS7oBh8Wlmzv7OaQyT0sVaZoIT_q_G7BUZLhGJuQWIhJvCUwAoIpyvELCJJwtJLAoq1RYgmfdCHSVwWpR3AzrKl94YtI6UW-vPOLa3k0FTbPDh98YyHc_UnzIWETlVWtSJIiKMx2uoU28KXKkyun1oZtSqShHqrRgv2wuYaRyUv6JGl-JvG6qgr7zZqmbzp931Vx9mi07jdg_WTQpc4cQjGB3g4wgnM134lF8XXVJr31sIHT2JQ3UsjjlxS9LTdbO-Ov1cZF23JJWMoMoZbhoNjOdLg18SQ

Hello, hope all is well. Do u still need me to make a new post??

hi @MegaDaDon
Yes, please. Could you create a new one for your problem?

hi @shaolin

Would you be able to share some code snippets with us?

Hi @TomTom ,

Thanks for getting back to us - Do you need any specific code?

This is the configuration we use:

      const web3auth = new Web3Auth(WebBrowser, EncryptedStorage, {
        clientId: WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID, // web3auth's client id
        network: WEB3_LOGIN_NETWORK,
        whiteLabel: {
          appName: 'DIMO',
          logoDark: '',
          mode: 'dark',
          theme: {
            primary: colors.mint500,
        loginConfig: {
          jwt: {
            name: WEB3_AUTH_VERIFIER,
            verifier: WEB3_AUTH_VERIFIER, // get it from web3auth dashboard
            typeOfLogin: 'jwt',
            clientId: WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID, // web3auth's client id

      await web3auth.init();

      await web3auth.login({
        loginProvider: LOGIN_PROVIDER.JWT,
        redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl, // redirect url after login
        mfaLevel: 'optional',
        extraLoginOptions: {
          domain: Config.AUTH_ISSUER,
          id_token: jwt,
          verifierIdField: WEB3_IDENTIFIER_FIELD, // auth0 generally uses sub as unique identifier

This error does not affect all users and we have been unable to recreate it locally, however if the user runs into this error, they cannot bypass it.

Hey @shaolin,

Could you please try upgrading to the latest version (v6) of the @web3auth/react-native-sdk? This should help resolve the errors you’re encountering.

If the issue persists, please let me know, and we can look into it further.

Hello, how are you guys doing on this?? Is there a solution? ?


I created a new post for this… Has there been any progress??

hi @MegaDaDon

Thanks for creating a new post. Let’s continue on that thread.


We’ve now updated to v6 of the SDK and continue to see the error.

Is the following useful?

[{"errorMsg":"Could not get result from torus nodes. \n [object Object]","errorStack":"@","title":"Mount Error","createdAt":"6/11/2024, 3:11:29 PM","info":{"customAuthState":{"client":"BNOJ4iofAAqpiHeLpV3os9nksSl25uEoAiv91Px9FCE4RGLpN0l2u3InMdR16h_YmQfJt_Vaz2XtBAuvq8PWUh8","currentLoginProvider":"jwt","popupWindow":"false","whiteLabel":"{"appName":"DIMO","logoDark":"\",\"mode\":\"dark\",\"theme\":{\"primary\":\"#22847C\"}}","keyMode":"v1","isCustomVerifier":"true","socialFactorFlow":"","loginId":"c68bb95ec21205e008ea1134b7fcd3afab071b2f863775c6516dbb3216bd0718","sessionNamespace":"","version":"8","instanceId":"lqa9fjdt62c","verifier":"dimo-dev-identifier","typeOfLogin":"jwt","redirectToOpener":false},"customAuthArgs":

If more / different info is needed, please let me know!

Hi @TomTom - Do you need any additional info from us here?


hi @harvey

I’m trying to get a solution for this issue.

Thanks for the patience and I will be getting back to you as soon as I have news.

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Hey @harvey

Please schedule a call with me here:

Hey folks,

Just an update here. After the call on Friday, our backend team is already looking into the particulars here. Just so you know, this error happens if any of the network calls fail due to any reason. We are trying to investigate that. If possible, some network logs here will be helpful for us.