User prompted backup phrase while never setting up 2FA

Hi @shahbaz,

Thanks for taking the time during the community call, much appreciated.

Could you please take a look at this specific case - address 0x1e7c0d34bcc5A9d95509606808AF5349D6CA93d8? User logging into account with social shows the wrong wallet address - #22 by janvdb

Do you have an idea what happened on 14 Apr 2022? Did he have web3auth account with another app? How is it then possible that a new wallet address would be linked to that account in Jan 2023? Just trying to understand what could have happened in April 2022.

Our app is live since end of December 2022. Our codebase is using Torus, not web3auth. We don’t have @web3auth/no-modal in the codebase because we use '@toruslabs/torus-embed. We implemented Torus in accordance with the docs (Initialization | Documentation).

Previous thread: User logging into account with social shows the wrong wallet address - #37 by janvdb

Hey @janvdb

Thanks for sharing!

@maharshi let’s debug this on our end.

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@shahbaz @maharshi were you able to look deeper into this?

I see you’re being redirected to Could you please tell me which packages are you using for Torus, if not no-modal? Please specify their corresponding versions as well.

@maharshi we are using:

  • Toruslabs/torus-embed = 2.2.5
  • web3auth/openlogin-adapter = 2.1.3

Please plan on upgrading to the latest versions, these are very old.

Here you can see that v4 has already released long ago. Also, openlogin adapter is at v7. Please upgrade and let me know if you still face this issue.

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Hey @janvdb,
Please check once again if you’re still facing this issue. Infra team has updated that this issue has been fixed for sapphire and legacy mainnet users.

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