Wagmi switchNetwork with TorusWalletConnectorPlugin

Hello Team,

I am working on an Angular web project with wagmi/core library. In my application, I am using 3 connectors like

  • Web3AuthConnector
  • WalletConnectConnector
  • MetaMaskConnector

I am also using OpenloginAdapter and TorusWalletConnectorPlugin for the Web3Auth instance.
In wagmi library, there is a method named switchNetwork, which is working absolutely fine and also opening a modal of TorusWalletConnectorPlugin to confirm the switch network. But unfortunately, wagmi/core is not waiting for this confirmation and switching the network.

My questions are:
1. Is there a way to directly switch the network in TorusWalletConnectorPlugin without opening the confirmation modal?
2. TorusPluging button size can be increased by buttonSize key word, but the max logo size is fixed with internal CSS. Is there a way to increase the logo size?


"@wagmi/core": "^0.8.19",
"@web3auth/base": "^5.0.1",
"@web3auth/modal": "^5.0.1",
"@web3auth/openlogin-adapter": "^5.0.1",
"@web3auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin": "^5.0.1",
"@web3auth/web3auth-wagmi-connector": "^3.0.0",

Torus Plugin:

    this.torusPlugin = new TorusWalletConnectorPlugin({
      torusWalletOpts: {
        buttonPosition: 'bottom-right',
        buttonSize: 75,
        apiKey: torusWalletId
      walletInitOptions: {
        whiteLabel: {
          theme: { isDark: true, colors: { torusBrand1: "#F3552B" } },
          logoLight: "https://d3cexs6uns0bck.cloudfront.net/assets/community/images/love-hate-inu.jpg",
          logoDark: "https://d3cexs6uns0bck.cloudfront.net/assets/community/images/love-hate-inu.jpg",
        useWalletConnect: true,
        enableLogging: true,