WalletConnect Issues with PnP Modal SDK (unsupported Chain)

  • SDK Version: latest
  • Platform: Web
  • Browser Console Screenshots:



can somebody help us with the errors seen above?
Whenever you scan the QR Code with MM-Mobile nothing happens and the console gives the Error “unsupported Chains” even if you are in the same Network than the dApp.

Appreciate every help.
Thanks in advance,


@NClip_Adrian Thanks for reaching out.

Are you adding the chainId as hexadecimal or decimal format inside the getWalletConnectV2Settings? I’ll link the example here for your reference.

Hey @NClip_Adrian
Can you please verify if this happens when you’re utilizing chainID 0x89 or 0x13881 ?

still the same error after using the example code

hey @odsh97
As per the error on the console, it says you have entered an unsupported chain. Can you please let me know which chain’s chainId is 80001 ?

i tried both the polygon chian alone (137) and mumbai chain alone (8001)

Hey @maharshi,

sorry for the late reply. I think 80001 is Mumbai testnet.

Could you please remove all testnet chains and try it out just for mainnet ones?
Testnet chains are not supported by walletconnect.

did so still the same error