WalletServicesPlugin integration on a no-modal project

Hello, I’m trying to add wallet services to the no-modal sdk and i’m facing some issues.

First of all, I’ve successfully integrated the web3auth custom authentication login.

Once I did that, I tried to add the WalletServicesPlugin, but I got this error:

logoDark and logoLight are required in whiteLabel config
    at WalletServicesPlugin.initWithWeb3Auth

After that, I’ve added the two logo versions as the documentation said:

    const uiConfig: WhiteLabelData = {
        appName: 'name',
        defaultLanguage: "en",
        logoLight: "https://web3auth.io/images/web3authlog.png",
        logoDark: "https://web3auth.io/images/web3authlogodark.png",
        mode: "light",

    const options: Web3AuthNoModalOptions = {
        clientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

but now I get this error without any details:

TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL
    at eIe (index-VbLeAWHL.js:100:4781)
    at e (Frame-vX2mi_79.js:1:2305)

this error makes reference to this code snippet:

  , eIe = async t=>{
    try {
        const e = new URL(`${uce[t.network]}/api/feature-access`);
        e.searchParams.append("client_id", t.clientId),
        e.searchParams.append("network", t.network),
        e.searchParams.append("is_wallet_service", "true"),
        e.searchParams.append("enable_gating", "true"),
        t.isWhitelabel && e.searchParams.append("is_whitelabel", String(t.isWhitelabel)),
        await vi(e.href)
    } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof Response) {
            const r = await e.json();
            Ne.error("ERROR:", r.error)
        throw e
  • SDK Version: 8.0.0
  • Platform: Nuxt 3 (vite and vue 3)
  • Browser Console Screenshots:

This is my current web3auth config:

    const {Web3AuthNoModal} = await import('@web3auth/no-modal')

    const chainConfig = {
        chainId: "0x1",
        chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
        rpcTarget: "https://rpc.ankr.com/multichain/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",

    const uiConfig: WhiteLabelData = {
        appName: 'name',
        defaultLanguage: "en",
        logoLight: "https://web3auth.io/images/web3authlog.png",
        logoDark: "https://web3auth.io/images/web3authlogodark.png",
        mode: "light",

    const options: Web3AuthNoModalOptions = {
        clientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

    const web3auth = new Web3AuthNoModal(options);

    const otherProvider = new CommonPrivateKeyProvider({config: {chainConfig}})

    const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
        adapterSettings: {
            network: "sapphire_devnet",
            uxMode: "popup",
            loginConfig: {
                jwt: {
                    verifier: "api-develop-xxxxxxxxx-web",
                    typeOfLogin: "jwt",
                    clientId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
        privateKeyProvider: otherProvider,


    const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin()

    await web3auth.init();

And also here are my login and wallet logic:

async function login(idToken: string) {
  if (web3auth.connected) return

  return await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
    loginProvider: 'jwt',
    extraLoginOptions: {
      domain: '',
      verifierIdField: "sub", // same as your JWT Verifier ID
  }).catch((e: WalletLoginError) => console.error(e))

async function loadWalletUI() {
  return await walletServicesPlugin.showWalletUi().catch(e => console.error(e))

hi @german.blasco ,

can you share with us the version of the libraries that you are using ?