Web3Auth API Key 403 Error - Blockchain Access Blocked

I am experiencing an issue with Web3Auth in my React Native application. Everything was working fine, and I have not made any changes to my code. However, suddenly, I started receiving the following error when initializing Web3Auth:

Error initializing Web3Auth: { [Error: Non-200 status code: ‘403’]
cause: null,
code: -32603,
{ error: ‘message: API key is not allowed to access blockchain, json-rpc code: -32052, rest code: 403’,
cause: null } }

It appears that my API key is being blocked from accessing the blockchain. I have checked the following:

  1. The API key in my code matches the one in the Web3Auth dashboard.
  2. My API key usage has not exceeded any limits.
  3. I am using the correct network (mainnet/testnet).
  4. I have not modified any configurations related to Web3Auth.

Could you please check if there is any issue with my API key or if there are any restrictions applied to my account? I would appreciate any guidance on resolving this issue as soon as possible.

Here are my details for reference:

  • Client ID: : BHWJ6_wNlQrHGV86ptqm8z-GTL3PIqvySIpOYpYoVzZWddlrrAYADeFwabNxAWnf7S4ZLMDGHcwvn8BYcIZ80Gw
  • Network: : Mainnet

Thank you for your support. I look forward to your response.


it is urgent. please take a look @yashovardhan

@develop I got this error too
message: API key is not allowed to access blockchain, json-rpc code: -32052, rest code: 403

Yesterday, it still worked nomarlly

@maharshi @vjgee someone plz take a look!!!

Got this issue too. Someone please take a look

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Hey everyone,
Please have a look at the updated announcement, if you’re still facing an issue post the requested changes, please let me know.

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@maharshi what announcement do we have to check and where exactly ? can you share a link here.

@here This is the announcement for the same: Ankr Public RPC Discontinuation - Action Required

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