Web3auth login session problem

When set to web3auth uxmode: redirect, sometimes there is an issue where login does not work. After about 10 minutes and retrying, the login suddenly works fine.

Also, I’m not sure if it’s related to the uxmode setting, but when I set it to uxmode: popup, sometimes maintaining a login session doesn’t work when I page refresh.

Like this, maintaining the login session and logging in itself sometimes doesn’t work well. What exactly is the problem?

My client ID is BNHgZPYjXrkOXej2r5gbqrxNNA0cNWR4tHOu0J2qjhgvnEdqIKpPWU2THY9new_0OCIZSjeAsLoY3yAJr9nNOK0, and I tested it in React environment and testnet.

코드는 web3auth에서 제공하는 web3auth-pnp-examples를 기반으로 테스트했었다.

  • SDK Version: @web3auth/no-modal(5.1.0)
  • Platform: Mac (PC - chrome)
  • Browser Console Screenshots:

Hey @bjkim

Please try our updated example. Additionally, could you kindly share the result you get when using web3auth.provider upon reloading the page?