Web3Auth Testnet and Dashboard Degredation | Fix by replacing Infura with your own Ropsten RPC

Hi πŸ‘‹ Web3Auth Community,

Rinkeby, Ropsten, and Kovan testnets are deprecated from the Infura API. This has caused our testnet and dashboard to see degredated functionality across our SDKs.

mainnet/cyan is not affected by this change, things should be working as expected.

We are working on our side to restore functionality. In the meantime, the hot fix for this is to use another node provider's Ropsten RPC (Alchemy, QuickNode, Chainstack or Ankr) and to swap out infura on our SDKs. Below is an example for the CustomAuth SDK:

Please use your own Quicknode custom URL as networkUrl:

import TorusSdk from ”@toruslabs/customauth";

const torusdirectsdk = new TorusSdk({
baseUrl: <span class="pl-s1"><span class="pl-kos">${</span><span class="pl-smi">window</span><span class="pl-kos">.</span><span class="pl-c1">location</span><span class="pl-kos">.</span><span class="pl-c1">origin</span><span class="pl-kos">}</span></span>/serviceworker,
enableLogging: true,
network: β€œtestnet”,
networkUrl: β€œhttps://{custom-name}.ropsten.quiknode.pro/e2f…5aa679824a”

Note: It is working with latest version of "@toruslabs/customauth" -> "11.0.0"

If you are not able to see your verifiers on dashboard you can try either of the three solutions given below:-

A. Login on https://dashboard.web3auth.io in a new browser profile.
B. Go to https://app.tor.us and clear the localstorage and login to https://dashboard.web3auth.io
C. Login to https://dashboard.web3auth.io , open the torus wallet from bottom left wallet icon and change the network from ropsten to mainnet from wallet setting and change it back to ropsten.

Either of the above three should be able to show you your old verifiers if not showing now.

Originally posted by: shahbaz17

Check the discussion at: https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/685

Hey @hcheng826,

This annoucement is referring to the web3auth testnet verifiers - not related to any RPC Calls you need to make. Within Web3Auth , to enable the social logins(or tKey service provider), you need to get key shares from our nodes as demonstrated in our auth network documentation. The testnet has dummy nodes set up for testing purposes, which were deployed on ropsten testnet. We were internally using infura for maintaining the uptime of these nodes. However, once they deprecated the testnet, our testnet nodes got down as well.

You do not need to do any additional changes in terms of using any testnet after the web3auth key generation.

Originally posted by: yashovardhan