Web3auth throw error on xcode

Hi team i got error on xcode and break app when try processing this step which attached on video

This is step
SignUp with email and password-> verify email → redirect to web3auth(break in here) → process with web3auth

This is video to reproduce

My app was released, Can help me check ASAP?

  • **SDK Version * *(package.json): 3.1.7
  • Platform: Flutter
  • Browser Console Screenshots:
  • If the issue is related to Custom Authentication, please include the following information (optional):
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken (JWT):

Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.

Hey @chaulinh.se.it thanks for reporting, looks like it’s happening because of the open issue. We’ll fix it and let you know.

thank @Ayush
Let me know when it is fixed