Web3Auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin Not Working

Hi @shahbaz

web3auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin Which client id i have to use Plug and play clientId or Torus wallet client

@shahbaz when web3auth wallet connected status changed to ready to connect the i can i injected into web3 and i can get my address

For me its ready status not changed to connect . So i am facing issue

this my Web3auth No model sdk with custom JWT

here its status is changing to connect why its not changing in web3auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin

you can see the console of web3auth custon Jwt Dropbox image link

you can see here its chaning to connected

why? its not changing for web3auth/torus-wallet-connector-plugin

Hello @shahbaz

We completed the integration of web3auth Wallet with No-Model with custom JWT and have moved the project to the mainnet. However, we are still encountering an issue that I have mentioned above. We would greatly appreciate it if we could schedule a call to discuss and resolve this matter. It is crucial for us to address this issue as soon as possible since the project is already live. We eagerly await your response.

Thank you.

This seems like it might be an issue with the plugin specifically. Are you using the Torus Wallet’s embed itself?

hi @zhen

yes i am using Torus wallet .this was the link @shahbaz has suggested Torus EVM Wallet UI Plugin | Documentation | Web3Auth we do it according to the docs

@zhen did you see the previous conversation with shahbaz

i have shared the previous community link .just see the link you will understand what issue we excatly facing