What form of information returned by getUserInfo() would best be used as a key for database operations?

email string Email of the connected user
name string Name of the connected user
profileImage string Profile image of the connected user
aggregateVerifier string Details of the aggregate verifier - if present
verifier string Details of the verifier (verifier type, ie. torus, metamask, openlogin etc.)
verifierId string Verifier ID - if custom authentication is enabled, it will show the verifier identifier you set on dashboard
typeOfLogin string Type of login done by the user (like google, facebook, twitter, github, etc.)
dappShare string If you are using a Custom Verifier, you can get a dapp share after successful login. (dappShare is a 24 word seed phrase). This share can act as a replacement to your user’s device share.
idToken string JWT token (Note: This is issued by Web3Auth and is not bound to your OAuth provider)
oAuthIdToken string JWT token (Note: This is issued by your OAuth provider and will be issued only for custom verifiers.)
oAuthAccessToken string Access token (Note: This is issued by your OAuth provider and will be issued only for custom verifiers.)

In other words, which of these tokens is permanent and which are session based?

Hey, welcome onboard. The verifierId would be unique for every user. It’s used to verify the JWT token for any social login provider. Please note, if you are also connecting external wallet as metamask, or etc, please use user’s wallet address.

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