What is the TSS private key?

we have run the example from the web3auth, and for the mpc-core-kit-react-popup-example, we found there is one button called “[CAUTION] Export TSS Private Key”, we wanna know what means TSS private key here? Is that localstorge share(share B ) or aggregate key( full User’s private key) or reconstructed key by MPC(Thredhold Key)?

We will be having a community call soon Web3Auth Community Call #4 · Zoom · Luma where you have can have your doubts clarified.

Sorry for missing this post earlier. TSS private key means the private key associated with your MPC Account. This key is present in our nodes and the user’s device totally decentralised and is not reconstructed ever, unless you specifically ask for it. This function is present in order to “export” the key on request, if either the dapp or the user need it.

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