When I use mpc sdk, can I login use modal? and I'd like to add wallet adapters in that modal

and if you provide the example for aa + wagmi + web3auth, it would be better.
ofc, it’s possible.

Hi @devcrypto389

You can use AA + wagmi + PnP SDK

We don’t have an example.

Sorry about that

ok. thanks.
when I have any questions, let me know you.
thanks very much.

what’s the aa here?
safeauth kit?
Where and how is it implemented in the code?

hi @devcrypto389

You can check the code for these 3 buttons on this repository: GitHub - shahbaz17/w3a-aa-gasless-demo


You can see in the README file that it is being used:

Uses Safe as AA Provider and Pimlico for Paymaster.

I hope this information can help you :slight_smile:

if I use web3aut + wagmi, how to implement AA?

if users connect metamask directly, how to implement AA?
if users connect with web3auth, how to do it as well?
I am not sure about it.
so need your help. @TomTom

hi @devcrypto389

I hope you are well today. I have provided an example demonstrating the utilization of Account Abstraction in React (similar to a wagmi implementation). The process with metamask or PnP follows a comparable approach since you possess the private key to sign transactions.

do you think this is good for wagmi + web3auth + aa?
I am not sure what’s the smart account here.

could you check it and plz let me know if it’s okay.

yes, It could work !
Please ensure that you have sent me an old version that is no longer maintained.

I think the last version is this one : Create Smart Accounts with WAGMI React Hooks | Biconomy

Hi, @TomTom
How are you today?
I used wagmi + pnp now.
I’d like to add fiat on-ramps and NFT services features to my dapp.
how can I do this?
do you have any github source code for this?

Hi, @TomTom
how can I fix this error?
I added my domain to whitelist.
but I got this error.
and plz answer about my about questions.

Hi @devcrypto389

Please check if you added with or without the last “/”. Try to adding it and check if its working.

ok. @TomTom

and I used wagmi + pnp now.
I’d like to add fiat on-ramps and NFT services features to my dapp.
how can I do this?
do you have any github source code for this?

I think web3auth provide these features, right?
but I am not sure how to integrate with my dapp.

yes, please check out our evm example.
https://evm-modal-example.vercel.app/ with the code → web3auth-pnp-examples/web-modal-sdk/blockchain-connection-examples/evm-modal-example/src/App.tsx at main · Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples · GitHub

what’s the fit on ramp service?
and what’s the nft checkout?


what’s the fit on ramp service?
and what’s the nft checkout?

For the wallet service, please refer to our documentation at → https://web3auth.io/docs/sdk/wallet-services

To experience the NFT checkout process, explore our demo and review our documentation.

NFT checkout:
Demo: https://demo.web3auth.io/
Docs: https://web3auth.io/docs/product/wallet-services

I still got error. @TomTom