When I use mpc sdk, can I login use modal? and I'd like to add wallet adapters in that modal

can I ask one question?

when I use mpc sdk, can I login use modal?
and I’d like to add wallet adapters in that modal.

I need these.

  1. MPC login, account/password recovery, and account creation
    with modal and wallet adapters.

  2. integrating and creating custom verifiers through pulling data from idOS for re-login users. Incorporating data flows between Fractal ID, idOS, Alchemy back-end and web3auth during login and new user creation

  3. NFT verification after login. only holders can access to our dapp.

  4. SafeAuth/AA interactions between web3auth login → dapp interactions

what sdk do you suggest for this kinda project.

@devcrypto389 Welcome Aboard!

Your request is under review and we will get back with an update.

when do you think I can get it?

Hi @devcrypto389,

I can address a few of your inquiries:

  1. If you are able to generate a valid and distinct JWT for each user using idOS and incorporate JWKS for verification, then it is feasible.

  2. Certainly, you have the option to achieve this with your own personalized logic.

Let’s carry on with our discussion via this medium.

“But you can use the modal SDK with the option useCoreKitKey in true”
you told me before in discord channel.

So when you said PNP core kit key to be true, will it be the MPC flow or the tKey flow?

That option is primarily utilized when clients wish to migrate from Corekit to PnP SDK and maintain the same addresses they were receiving while using Corekit.

Please read our product stack to know more about the different flows → Explore our Products | Documentation | Web3Auth

Ok so I have two scenarios, one we go with full MPC route but users with existing wallets cannot use wallet adapters to connect their wallets.

Second option is we don’t use MPC (use pnp wallets) and be able to use wallet adapters?

is this right?

Is there a huge security sacrifice if we don’t use MPC?
Is that where the market trend is going?

and with option 2, we can still have account abstraction as well right?

hi @devcrypto389

I highly recommend reading our documentation to gain a clear understanding of the differences between our products: How Web3Auth Works? | Documentation | Web3Auth

Also you can book a call with us: Web3Auth | Contact us

from the docs links:

The Core Kit SDKs serve as the backbone of the Web3Auth Plug n Play (PnP) SDKs

Pnp Docs: Plug and Play Embedded Wallet SDKs | Documentation | Web3Auth (PnP use MPC)

  • Non-Custodial: Prioritize user privacy and control with secure, non-custodial wallets by default. These wallets are managed by an MPC wallet management system, ensuring the highest level of security.

Ok so I have two scenarios, one we go with full MPC route but users with existing wallets cannot use wallet adapters to connect their wallets.

Second option is we don’t use MPC (use pnp wallets) and be able to use wallet adapters?

is this right?

could you answer about my questions?

got it.
so pnp use mpc as well, right?

thanks. @TomTom
I think I can use pnp sdk for non custodial wallet, mpc and wallet adapters.
is this right?

Yes, I think you are confusing SSS with TSS, do that’s why you should read our docs.

Also you can use AA with PnP SDK :slight_smile:

If you have any other questions, please list them with numbers so I can address them all in the forum.

Thanks for continuing our conversation here! :rocket:

thanks. @TomTom
I saw you have some github source code.
and you mean aa is safe auth kit?
do you have any source code for aa + pnp sdk with wallet adapters?

This is a work in progress demo: GitHub - shahbaz17/w3a-aa-gasless-demo

can I use it with this?

Yes, check the online demo:

I mean can I use aa with web3auth wagmi?

if it’s possible, I can know about my direction for the project.