When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:
- SDK Version: 8.10.2
- Platform: React
- Browser Console Screenshots:
This issue is being generated when we try login via google provider.
When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:
This issue is being generated when we try login via google provider.
Hey, welcome onboard. Can you share few information. Your initialisation code, your login code snippet, and can you click on that red exclamation mark on top right corner and copy the error stack?
Good Morning Ayush,
Thanks for responding back please find below the error as requested.
"errorMsg": "could not retrieve completed share",
"errorStack": "Error: could not retrieve completed share\n at ct (https://auth.web3auth.io/v8/assets/index-C93Jka8A.js:2:2670)\n at https://auth.web3auth.io/v8/assets/index-C93Jka8A.js:2:10970",
"title": "Mount Error",
"createdAt": "7/18/2024, 11:45:00 AM",
"info": {
"customAuthState": {
"client": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"currentLoginProvider": "google",
"popupWindow": "false",
"whiteLabel": "{\"mode\":\"light\"}",
"keyMode": "v1",
"isCustomVerifier": "false",
"socialFactorFlow": "",
"loginId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"sessionNamespace": "",
"version": "8",
"instanceId": "tu4ajq5qzb",
"verifier": "torus",
"typeOfLogin": "google",
"redirectToOpener": false
"customAuthArgs": {
"aggregateVerifierType": "single_id_verifier",
"verifierIdentifier": "tkey-google-lrc",
"subVerifierDetailsArray": [
"typeOfLogin": "google",
"verifier": "torus",
"clientId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"jwtParams": {
"prompt": "consent select_account"
"customState": {
"client": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"currentLoginProvider": "google",
"popupWindow": "false",
"whiteLabel": "{\"mode\":\"light\"}",
"keyMode": "v1",
"isCustomVerifier": "false",
"socialFactorFlow": "",
"loginId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"sessionNamespace": "",
"version": "8"
"hash": "state=xxxxxxxxxx",
"queryParameters": {}
"customAuthError": "could not retrieve completed share",
"customAuthHashParams": {
"state": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3599",
"scope": "email%20profile%20openid%20https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email%20https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile",
"id_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"authuser": "0",
"hd": "amt.in",
"prompt": "consent",
Hey, can you also initialisation code, and your login code snippet as well?