Where is the source for @toruslabs/base-controllers package


Many packages rely on https://www.npmjs.com/package/@toruslabs/base-controllers . However, the github link (https://github.com/torusresearch/controllers) gives a 404 error. How can I file issues against this package?

Thank you

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@alex.kondratskiy Could you please explain what are you trying to do and why you need this information?

I am developer trying to use your SDKs. Your javascript libraries depend on a lot of packages from @toruslabs on npm: @toruslabs - npm search . Trying to find documentation/support for “Torus Labs” leads me here.

Typically for issues with specific packages, I would go to the github issues page for that package. As an example, the package https://www.npmjs.com/package/@toruslabs/openlogin-jrpc links to GitHub - torusresearch/OpenLoginSdk: Pluggable auth infrastructure for Web3 wallets and dapps.

One of the dependencies I have issues with is https://www.npmjs.com/package/@toruslabs/base-controllers . The links for the source repository for this library do not work. I am trying to find a place where this package is maintained so that I can file an issue for the developers. Please update your links on npm.

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Bumping this. We’re a Web3Auth user and the fact that the repo for this package is missing is getting flagged by our supply chain security tool.

the repository is private. Torus labs is same organization as web3auth.
you can file all issues on web3auth-web repo

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