Whitelist not working: "could not validate redirect, please whitelist your redirect url"

Set up is as follows and seeing the error message when trying to login using JWT from firebase UserCredential:
“could not validate redirect, please whitelist your redirect url:
com.vegiapp.vegi://openlogin for provided clientid
BFOgpYlg…JZI6Xk (full public id in screenshot) at
https://dashboard.web3auth.io. Also, this project is on testnet network. Please ensure the the used Client ID belongs to this network.”

I have already whitelisted the project urls (the_bundle_id://openlogin), its probably something minor with my config, any ideas?

Possibly related thread with old solution as now can’t create projects on legacy networks: React Native SDK, Sapphire Devnet, redirect url whitelist not working

  • Related to Custom Authentication? Please provide the following info too: (Optional)
    • Verifier Name:
    • JWKS Endpoint:
    • Sample idToken(JWT)
      Screenshots of Dashboard setup for Sapphire testnet project

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

Future<void> initWeb3Auth() async {
  if (AppConfig.useWeb3Auth) {
    // no need for mnemonics as will use web3auth to manage users for us and give us the credentials from the web3auth
    // final jwtToken = store.state.userState.jwtToken;
    // assert(jwtToken.isNotEmpty, "JWT Token can not be empty");
    Uri redirectUrl;
    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      // redirectUrl = Uri.parse('fuse-sdk-exmple://io.fuse.examplewallet/auth');
      redirectUrl = Uri.parse(
          'vegi://com.vegiapp.vegi/auth'); // ~  android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:54
    } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
      // redirectUrl = Uri.parse('io.fuse.examplewallet://openlogin');
      redirectUrl = Uri.parse('com.vegiapp.vegi://openlogin');
    } else {
      throw UnKnownException('Unknown platform');
    // if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    //   redirectUrl = Uri.parse('w3a://com.example.w3aflutter/auth');
    // } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
    //   redirectUrl = Uri.parse('com.example.w3aflutter://openlogin');
    // } else {
    //   throw UnKnownException('Unknown platform');
    // }

    // For login with firebase we need the following bespoke config
    // ~ https://github.com/Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples/blob/8c5398317cffed6deb61228d32b74a0db3bd2862/flutter/flutter-firebase-example/lib/main.dart#L64C5-L72C11
    // ~ web3auth dashboard setup -> https://web3auth.io/docs/content-hub/guides/firebase#setup-your-web3auth-dashboard
    final loginConfig = HashMap<String, LoginConfigItem>();
    loginConfig['jwt'] = LoginConfigItem(
          "web3auth-firebase-vegi-app-verifier", // get it from web3auth dashboard
      typeOfLogin: TypeOfLogin.jwt,
      name: "Custom JWT Login",
          Secrets.WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID, // web3auth's plug and play client id
    HashMap themeMap = HashMap<String, String>();
    themeMap['primary'] = "#229954";
    await Web3AuthFlutter.init(Web3AuthOptions(
        clientId: Secrets.WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
        // chainNamespace: ChainNamespace.eip155,
        network: Network
            .testnet, //Env.isProd || Env.isQA ? Network.mainnet : Network.testnet,
        redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
        whiteLabel: WhiteLabelData(
          dark: true,
          name: "vegi app",
          theme: themeMap,
        loginConfig: loginConfig));

    // This performs authentication and gets the private-
    // key of the existing user if a user is already logged in
    // from within the web3auth flutter packages local shared prefs on the device
    await Web3AuthFlutter.initialize();
    final store = await reduxStore;
    final String privateKey = await Web3AuthFlutter.getPrivKey();
    if (privateKey.isNotEmpty) {
      log.debug('Web3AuthResponse Success: $privateKey');
      final credentials = EthPrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey);
      final fuseSDK = await FuseSDK.init(
            // mnemonicStr.split(' '),
            // accountAddress.toString(),
    } else {
      // else init the fuseSDK once have the private key from logging in to firebase and getting web3auth.login response
      // GetIt.instance.registerSingleton<FuseSDK?>(null);
  } else {
    // ! old auth not accepted any longer as of commit e529d93cd2965ac96623c69da67f30e162f14677
    throw UnimplementedError(
        'Application error: Web3Auth is only accepted methodology');

/// The function retrieves a JWT token from Firebase and returns a Web3AuthResponse.
/// ~ https://web3auth.io/docs/content-hub/guides/firebase
Future<Web3AuthResponse> defiAuthenticate({
  required UserCredential credential,
}) async {
  final idToken = (await credential.user?.getIdToken(true)).toString();
  final response = await Web3AuthFlutter.login(LoginParams(
      mfaLevel: MFALevel.NONE,
      loginProvider: Provider.jwt,
      extraLoginOptions: ExtraLoginOptions(
        id_token: idToken, // * key Firebase JWT Token here
        verifierIdField: "sub", // same as your JWT Verifier ID
        domain: 'com.vegiapp.vegi',
  final store = await reduxStore;
  store.dispatch(SignupLoading(isLoading: false));
  if (!GetIt.instance.isRegistered<FuseSDK>()) {
    // final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    // await prefs.setString('privateKey', response.privKey.toString());
    final privateKey = response.privKey.toString();
    final credentials = EthPrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey);
    final fuseSDK = await FuseSDK.init(
        // mnemonicStr.split(' '),
        // accountAddress.toString(),
  return response;

@joey Welcome Aboard!

Your issue is being reviewed and I will get back with an update.

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If you have setuop the project on Sapphire devnet, replace testnet with sapphire_devnet

If you are on a Base plan subscription, please remove the whitelabel parameter

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so the Network enum doesn’t appear to have that option?

Can you set up your project on Testnet as well instead of sapphire_devnet?

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Thanks vjgee, one of the wizards before didnt let me create a legacy testnet project, but this time it did and works now. Definitely something to sort out though. Solution being to use a Legacy Testnet project and not sapphire for now as the enum in the flutter sdk has not been updated to include Sapphire.


Glad to hear the issue is resolved. I will share your feedback with our team.