Why In my Project Web3auth continues call rpc target again and again

When asking for help in this category, please make sure to provide the following details:

after login web3auth call continues call rpc target api dontknow why please check screenshot in screenshot public name api is rpc target please check and verify

Also, kindly provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below. This will help us better understand your issue and provide you with the necessary assistance.

in mainnet we use infura and its reach its per day limit very fast

@hardeep.chahal Welcome Aboard!

Thanks for reaching out.

Firstly, @web3auth/web3auth is deprecated, and @web3auth/modal is being used now, Please remove @web3auth/web3auth from your package.json file if you still have it.

I see you are also using some older package versions. Can you update to the latest for the Torus EVM adapter first and check the behaviour

You may then also update the below package versions to the latest 7.2.0:


All Changes done but problem is still same

this issue is because of tours plugin Without plugin its work normal

Ok, I will forward your issue to our Dev team and get back with further updates.

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how much time dev team wants because we go live tomorrow?

@hardeep.chahal Our team have updated that these RPC regularly need to happen for the plugin to update certain information like the account balance, etc. This is not an error from our side and you would need to upgrade your Infura plan.

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can you please help me to get wallet balance from a socket so its auto update after login because now getBalance function calling is not good for balance fetch

Hey Hardeep,

We have documented the standard way if fetching balance in our documentation. You van checkout the different blockchain libraries like ethers and web3.js documentation and examples for your particular usecase. You can also check the wagmi library which has been used by many applications recently.

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ok i just want to know torus plugin continues using my infura endpoint for check onetime balance so i just want a event for this so i can change my website balance also with this ??

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