Write for the Community

Are you a Web3 enthusiast? And looking to showcase what you have built with Web3Auth?

We’re starting out a guest author program where you get to showcase what you have built and share it as a guide for others to implement the same.

Join the Write for the Community program to share your technical expertise, get paid, help other Web3 and Web3Auth users, and build credibility.

Why should you write?

  • Be the voice of Web3Auth as a developer
  • Perks
  • Swags
  • Bounties

Check out the process below.

Originally posted by: shahbaz17

Check the discussion at: https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/1176


  1. Propose a topic and an outline. Check out https://github.com/orgs/Web3Auth/discussions/1175 to see how to propose a new topic.
  2. We community and the web3auth team will vote on the topic and suggest the changes accordingly to make it more suitable.
  3. Next, our team will review and approve your request and assign you the article. Once selected, you'll be required to fill up a form before starting. [link coming soon]
  4. ✍️ Write and submit your first draft. There might be a few iterations needed to get you to the final step.
  5. 🚀 Publish and Get paid or choose from the available perks according to your wish, once your article is reviewed and published on our blog/docs.
  6. 🤝 Provide Support. Once your blog post is published, we’ll follow up with you if anyone has any queries/questions. But to stay up to date with your article, please watch the repo.

Originally posted by: shahbaz17