Announcing Ed25519 Support in MPC CoreKit JS SDK v3.0.0!

Hello Web3Auth Developers,
We’re thrilled to share an important update to our MPC CoreKit JS SDK—it now includes TSS support for the Ed25519 curve! This means you can seamlessly add TSS support for Ed25519 chains like Solana, Near, and Algorand into your applications, expanding the possibilities within the Web3 ecosystem.

What’s New in MPC CoreKit JS SDK v3.0.0

:rocket: Ed25519 Support
Our latest update extends MPC CoreKit’s capabilities to include Ed25519, making it easier to add TSS functionality for Ed25519 chains in your projects. Get started with our detailed guide: EdDSA Signing with MPC CoreKit JS SDK.

:hammer_and_wrench: Improvements and Bug Fixes
Version 3.0.0 comes with various bug fixes and enhancements to make the developer experience smoother and more efficient.

:page_facing_up: Comprehensive Documentation and Examples
To help you get up and running quickly, we’ve updated our documentation and added in-depth examples for Ed25519 integration. Check out the Solana integration and see how it works: MPC CoreKit Solana Example on GitHub.

Migration Guides and Resources

For a detailed walkthrough of the changes and to ensure a seamless transition, please refer to our comprehensive migration guide and documentation.

Migration guide from v2.x to v3 for MPC CoreKit JS SDK

MPC CoreKit JS SDK Documentation

MPC CoreKit JS Examples

As you explore these new features, we encourage you to join our Web3Auth community. Whether you have questions, need feedback, or want to share best practices, our community portal is the perfect place to connect and get the support you need.